
Why are cows sacred in India?

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When a foreigner visits India, he/she may notice that there are cows freely roaming on the streets and outside the temples of worship. Because most Indians consider the cow as a sacred or holy animal. With&hellip

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Why is Loy Krathong celebrated?

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Loy Krathong, or Loi Krathong, is one of Thailand’s festivals that is celebrated every year. The Loi Krathong celebration usually takes place in the month of November as this coincides with the full moon on&hellip

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Why is freedom of religion important?

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Freedom of religion simply means that any person is free or being tolerated with regards to his/her religious beliefs and/or practices and activities. People around the world have different theological beliefs, and they may practice&hellip

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Why is Hinduism important?

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Hinduism is not just a religion but a form of Dharma. It is common to call this religion as Hindu Dharma rather than Hinduism. This religion resides from the essence of the verses that constitute&hellip

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Why do mission trips?

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In the chapters of Bible, it is observed in the Mathews book that Jesus Christ orders his people to go all over the world and gain the followers for His path from various nations. This&hellip

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Why prayers go unanswered?

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Why prayers go unanswered? A prayer is a common part of any religious practice that greatly involves the passion for seeking a intimate connection with the Heavenly Being. Prayer may be executed individually or in&hellip

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Why is witchcraft bad?

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Why is witchcraft bad? Witchcraft is a part of religion which involves several ‘sacred verses’ or ‘mantras’. In Hindu religion, the study of tantric mantras is available in one of the Vedas. Those were meant&hellip

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Why is Mecca important?

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Why is Mecca important? Mecca is a holy city found in the country of Saudi Arabia. It is regarded by Muslim believers to be the holiest place in the Islamic religion. The original name of&hellip

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Why do Mormons marry so young?

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Why do Mormons marry so young? Mormons are the people who follow the Mormon fundamentalism and are part of Latter Day Saint movement. Mormon Church members have their own way of dating practices. The dating&hellip

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Why do Hotels have bibles?

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Why do Hotels have bibles? Hotels are provided with Bibles by a group called as Gideons. Gideons are a group of Christian individuals who normally distribute Bibles to hotels and hospitals. Earlier, they used to&hellip

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Why is Bible true?

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Why is Bible true? Bible was not written by a single author. Bible is the collection of the works of 40 authors arranged in a single book that could provide path to the people for&hellip

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Why does Islam spread so quickly?

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Why does Islam spread so quickly? The Islam started to spread after the death of Prophet Mohammad in the year 632. The Muslim community called ‘Ummah, came into existence during the period of Prophet Mohammad.&hellip

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Why do Hindus Worship Cows?

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Why do Hindus Worship Cows? Hinduism is a very ancient religion which has originated when no other religion was there. The culture and tradition that is developed by Hinduism is partly acceptable to other cultures&hellip

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Why Do Muslims Celebrate Eid?

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Why Do Muslims Celebrate Eid? Each and every race, religion or country has certain festivities that they celebrate together as one people, one tribe, and one faith. One common festival for instance, which the entire&hellip

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Why Do Muslims Wear Hijab?

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Why Do Muslims Wear Hijab? Hijab is a body covering traditionally worn by Muslim women around the head or the style of dress they wear everyday. The word Hijab means ‘curtain or cover,, these are&hellip

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Why Do Jews Wear Skull Caps?

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Why Do Jews Wear Skull Caps? Jewish people are an ethno religious group merged by a common religious belief. The Jewish people that originate from the Israelites or the Hebrews in the Ancient Near East&hellip

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Why is Buddha fat?

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Why is Buddha fat? Long ago there was someone by the name of Siddhartha Gautama who achieved the ‘state of perfect enlightenment, or often called ‘the awakened one,. Buddha is the title given to those&hellip

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Why Do Atheists Celebrate Christmas?


Why Do Atheists Celebrate Christmas? Traditionally, Christmas has basically been a Christian holiday. After all, Christmas is when the Nativity of Jesus Christ is celebrated. For a fact, atheists are called ‘atheist, because they don’t&hellip

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