Why is ECG important? Electrocardiograph (ECG), also known as elektrokardiogramm (EKG) in German, is a kind of medical equipment used to measure the electrical movements of the heart. It is an important mechanism that is&hellip
Posts By khristine
Why is Glass a good insulator?
Why is Glass a good insulator? Glass is considered as one of the most flexible materials on Earth. It is widely used as a container because it does not react with other substances that are&hellip
Why is patriotism important
Why is patriotism important The term “patriotism” is simply defined in dictionaries as the love of one’s country’Â. But in actuality, it takes more than just the love that drives heroes like Sir William Wallace&hellip
Why is methylene blue necessary
Why is methylene blue necessary Methylene blue is a chemical compound that is characterized as being heterocyclic and aromatic. It is considered a necessity because of its various uses especially in the fields of chemistry&hellip
Why is waking up a sleepwalker dangerous
Why is waking up a sleepwalker dangerous Sleepwalking is a harmless sleeping disorder that is also known under the name of somnambulismâ€Â. Aside from actual walking, sleepwalking activities vary which can be as mild as&hellip
Why do opiates cause constipation
Why do opiates cause constipation Opiates are narcotics used as pain killers or sedatives that are generally prescribed by expert medical practitioners to help relieve patients from experiencing severe chronic or acute pain usually after&hellip
Why do spiral galaxies appear blue
Why do spiral galaxies appear blue Astronomy defines a galaxy as any huge gathering of stars, gas and dusts, dark matterâ€Â, nebulae, and other known astronomical entities that exists in the universe. As numerous as&hellip
Why is rhetoric important
Why is rhetoric important Merriam-Webster defines rhetoric as the art of speaking or writing effectively†as being used in communication or persuasion. However in contemporary language, the word rhetoric†has a negative connotation and is&hellip
Why is brand important
Why is brand important A brand is important as it can either make or break a business. A brand is defined as the identity of a specific product, services, or business and can take the&hellip
Why do owls have big eyes
Why do owls have big eyes One of the most striking physical features attributed to owls are its eyes and it is because they are huge and forward-facing, giving them the wise†look. Owls are&hellip
Why do visual illusions occur
Why do visual illusions occur People see things with the help of the eyes. But, there are cases when our very own eyes tend to deceive us, thus the popular phrase seeing is deceiving†which&hellip
Why is Sacagawea famous
Why is Sacagawea famous Sacagawea, a Lemhi Shoshone woman, was famous for her role in accompanying Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in an expedition to explore the Western region of the United States. She served&hellip
Why is hair falling out
Why is hair falling out In a normal condition, a person’s hair may shed everyday as part of a natural bodily process. However, there are people who encounter excessive hair loss which can be quite&hellip
Why do pickles have no calories
Why do pickles have no calories Pickles are cucumbers soaked in evil†as the phrase goes and it’s circulating all over the net, printed on shirts and other merchandise that it even has its own&hellip
Why is dying your hair bad
Why is dying your hair bad Whether it is for beauty’s sake or simply covering streaks of gray hair, it has been warned that dying one’s hair is bad or should be used with precaution&hellip
Why is ginger good for you?
Why is ginger good for you Ginger has been used as a natural spice in cooking, most commonly in Asian cuisines, to add taste, smell, and spiciness to the food. But, just like any other&hellip
Why do smells make me sick
Why do smells make me sick Have you ever experienced smelling something that you once love like a favorite food, flower, or perfume then suddenly it annoys you to the point of making you sick?&hellip
Why is Walmart bad for America
Why is Walmart bad for America Since 1962, Walmart has become a household name all throughout America. Known as the biggest chain of discount department store, in addition to the string of warehouse stores, it&hellip
Why is alcohol legal and not weed?
Why is alcohol legal and not weed Weed is a common term used by people referring to marijuana together with bammy, chillums, funk, giggle weed, gunga and a lot more. The use of weed is&hellip
Why is giving back important
Why is giving back important Giving back is probably one of the most commendable and liberating virtues that one can do. It can also be infectious if commonly practiced. However, it is also one of&hellip
Why is bankruptcy bad
Why is bankruptcy bad The word bankruptcy itself has a known horrible social and economic connotation that sticks with the person for as long as the individual can settle all his/her account. For this reason,&hellip
Why do Rastafarians have dreadlocks
Why do Rastafarians have dreadlocks One of the most trendy, considerably coolâ€Â, and recognizable ways of wearing one’s hair is through dreadlocksâ€Â. The hairstyle has always been linked with Bob Marley, Jamaicans, and believed to&hellip
Why is inflation bad
Why is inflation bad Inflation in layman’s term is the economic condition wherein the prices of goods and services are continuously rising. It is also viewed as the decline in the value of money thus&hellip
Why is gorilla endangered
Why is gorilla endangered Gorillas are often portrayed as savage beasts that are big and scary with the likes of King Kong†and as protagonist in movies like Conan the Barbarian†and â€ÂTarzanâ€Â. In reality,&hellip
Why do squirrels bark?
Why do squirrels bark? Barking is an animal behavior commonly known among dogs. However,that is not just dogs that are able to bark. There are various kinds of wild animals that do bark which includes&hellip
Why is Athena important
Why is Athena important Athena is one of the most popular and perhaps well loved Greek goddesses in Mythology. The meaning of her name is a mystery, and the story of her birth is fascinating.&hellip
Why is hieroglyphics important
Why is hieroglyphics important Hieroglyphics is an adjective word that is often mistakenly used as a noun in exchange for the word hieroglyphs which means sacred engraved letters. Hieroglyphs are important since it is believed&hellip
Why is mucus yellow when sick
Why is mucus yellow when sick When down with cough and/or colds our body has a natural way to defend itself from sickness that includes coughing and sneezing, which is often accompanied by mucus. Although&hellip
Why do burps smell
Why do burps smell People burp after a hearty meal, and it is often perceived as an indication of a satisfied feasting on food. In actuality, burping is a natural process that the body produces&hellip
Why is iodine in salt?
Why is iodine in salt Salt is an essential mineral mainly made up of sodium chloride. It is also commonly known as rock salt or table salt. The use of salt is many but it&hellip
Why is carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas
Why is carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas The Earth is enveloped in a layer of gases known as the atmosphereâ€Â. Life on Earth depends on the light and warmth of the sun that reaches the&hellip
Why is jogging good?
Why is jogging good It has been a popular knowledge that jogging is good for the health. And, there are various expert and researches that proves jogging is indeed a healthful form of exercise. To&hellip
Why is rice grown in the California desert
Why is rice grown in the California desert The state of California, which is also known as The Golden State, is not just one of the most populous cities in the US, as well as&hellip
Why is tap water better than bottled water
Why is tap water better than bottled water Yearly, there are just about 200 billion bottled waters being sold and consumed globally. And more people prefer to drink it (as compared to tap water) because&hellip
Why is magna carta important
Why is magna carta important Magna Carta Liberatum, or simply Magna Carta, means Great Charter of Freedoms†in English. It is considered as the most influential legal document that was ever written in the history&hellip
Why do African-Americans get sickle cell anemia
Why do African-Americans get sickle cell anemia Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is considered to be the most frequent as well as the most dangerous type of sickle cell disease (SCD). SCD is a severe blood&hellip
Why is excel so important
Why is excel so important Excel is one of the most popularly used electronic spreadsheet program worldwide. It is frequently used by various sectors like businesses or corporations, volunteer groups, students, teachers, researchers, scientists, accountants,&hellip
Why is hurricane Katrina called hurricane Katrina
Why is hurricane Katrina called hurricane Katrina Arlene, Dean, Gabrielle, Lorenzo, Pablo and Katrina, these are common names applied to identify people. But these people’s names are also the same nicknames used to identify various&hellip
Why do proteins fold
Why do proteins fold When talking about proteins, it always leads us to thinking about an important nutrient needed by the body to function normally. But, did you know that proteins can be more than&hellip
Why is Thomas Edison important
Why is Thomas Edison important When thinking about Thomas Edison, people usually get the idea of a man with a light bulb. Yes, that is the closest depiction that one can give in describing who&hellip
Why do knives rust
Why do knives rust Knives rust because it is usually made out of steel. Steel is a type of alloy that contains iron, and iron is prone to rusting. Even stainless steel that is made&hellip
Why do leopards have spots
Why do leopards have spots According to the story titled How the Leopard Got His Spots†by Rudyard Kipling, the rosette patterned skin of the leopards came from fingerprints of a man. Quite an entertaining&hellip
Why is Succession Planning important?
Why is Succession Planning important? In the world of business and management, succession planning is basically the organized process of recognizing, assessing, and training employees that are capable of filling-in important managerial and executive roles&hellip
Why is DNA replication necessary?
Why is DNA replication necessary? DNA replication is an essential biological process common to all living organisms wherein the DNA chromosomes of a parent cell are exactly copied as it undergoes cell division for the&hellip
Why is Coke Zero bad for you?
Why is Coke Zero bad for you? People had been warned time and again that drinking too much soda is bad for the health as it can cause diabetes, caffeine dependence (which is also viewed&hellip
Why is Mango good for you?
Why is Mango good for you? Mango is regarded throughout the world as the king of the fruitâ€Â, and this is more than just a byword, it has its purpose. Mango is one of the&hellip
Why do Ears itch?
Why do Ears itch? Before you put your finger or a q-tip on your ear and scratch the itchiness away, it is substantial to find out the reasons why your ears itch in the first&hellip
Why is Thanksgiving a holiday?
Why is Thanksgiving a holiday? Thanksgiving is a kind of harvest festival that is popularly celebrated in the countries of Canada and the United States. Although it started as a pagan festival, settlers from other&hellip
Why is GDP per capita important?
Why is GDP per capita important? There is a difference between the concept of GDP and GDP per capita even though both serve as a barometer of a nation’s economic strength. GDP on one hand&hellip
Why was Ghost Whisperer cancelled?
Why was Ghost Whisperer cancelled? Ghost Whisperer, an American supernatural television series, was once a hit show and was aired through CBS network. But after five seasons and a total of 107 episodes the show&hellip