Why is Diversity Important? Diversity includes the various thoughts and qualities in an individual as well as in several people surrounding us. Every one of us thinks differently from the others. The concept of diversity&hellip
Posts By Hari M
Why Does Nyquil make you Sleepy?
Why Does Nyquil make you Sleepy? Nyquil is a type of drug that is generally taken by many people without any prescription. It is made specifically to encounter the problems from colds and influenza. It&hellip
Why Does Diffusion occur?
Why Does Diffusion occur? Diffusion is a common term applied to liquids as well as gases. This is a phenomenon where there is a movement of molecules passively from the region of their high concentration&hellip
Why Does Vinegar dissolve Egg shells?
Why Does Vinegar dissolve Egg shells? Vinegar has a chemical substance called acetic acid (about three percent of vinegar). Egg shells are composed of calcium carbonate. When egg shell reacts with vinegar the calcium carbonate&hellip
Why Face book is better than bebo?
Why Face book is better than bebo? Bebo is the site that came in before Face book was launched. There is an opinion among some people that the profiles of their friends in bebo were&hellip
Why Does an Egg float in Salt water?
Why Does an Egg float in Salt water? When we look at the weights of two objects like copper metal and thermocole, the former will have more weight than that of the latter of same&hellip
Why Does Baking soda and Vinegar react?
Why Does Baking soda and Vinegar react? Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate and Vinegar is acetic acid. When sodium bicarbonate is added to acetic acid, carbon-dioxide gas is released. CH3COOH + NaHCO3 ïÆ’ CH3COONa +&hellip
Why Do Fingers wrinkle in Water?
Why Do Fingers wrinkle in Water? There are several theories put forward by the biologists to explain the wrinkles in finger skin when it stays in water for few minutes. Most of the scientists think&hellip
Why Do Vitamins make Urine Yellow?
Why Do Vitamins make Urine Yellow? Urine most of times turns into bright color as the body lacks water. When we take multi-vitamin tablets, the nutrients that we get through these vitamins are observed to&hellip
Why Do Trees have Rings?
Why Do Trees have Rings? Trees are organisms in the plant kingdom that appear to be so simple to us but are very complex in their organization. The tree trunk is the biggest stem and&hellip
Why Does Zyprexa cause Weight Gain?
Why Does Zyprexa cause Weight Gain? Many of the anti psychotic drugs which are used for treating Bipolar disorder were found to have the tendency to increase weight gain. The study conducted by De Haan&hellip
Why Does Firefox use so much Memory?
Why Does Firefox use so much Memory? Several people complain about the Firefox, occupying more memory. In a 512 MB HD it was found to be snatching away about 495 MB and in 2.5 GB&hellip
Why does Zero-gravity increase Mitosis?
Why does Zero-gravity increase Mitosis? Gravity is the force of attraction exhibited by the earth on every object on the earth. This gravitational force is responsible for every object to have the tendency to fall&hellip
Why Do Living things need Energy?
Why Do Living things need Energy? Living things need energy for carrying out many activities that are important for the life. There are various biochemical reactions going on in our body which need energy. Some&hellip
Why are Muslims not allowed to eat Pork?
Why are Muslims not allowed to eat Pork? There is a wrong notion that Muslims are restricted from eating pork because they consider the swine as sacred in Islam and hence do not want to&hellip
Why is Computer Fan so Loud?
Why is Computer Fan so Loud? The latest computers have temperature sensors which are monitored by a separate circuit. This circuit keeps track of the temperature and if this goes up, then it triggers the&hellip
Why is Computer Beeping?
Why is Computer Beeping? People might have come across beeps some time while using an old computer. Beeps might occur if there are any problems with power, BIOS, CPU, memory and video. In order to&hellip
Why is Computer Science Important?
Why is Computer Science Important? A computer is an instrument that is used to do all the complex calculations that you are interested in with less time and a reliably high speed. Since its invention,&hellip
Why are Enzymes Important?
Why are Enzymes Important? Enzymes are called biological catalysts. A catalyst is a molecule that can enhance the rate of a chemical or biochemical reaction. It brings the reactants together and facilitates the reaction to&hellip
Why Do Singers Wear Earpieces?
Why Do Singers Wear Earpieces? Generally, when a singer performs, the song and music heard by the audience is called as ‘house mix’. The musicians will have a set of speakers for them to hear&hellip
Why Do Lions Roar?
Why Do Lions Roar? Like all other unique sounds that are made by other animals, roaring is also a signature for communication in the case of the lion which is generally considered as the king&hellip
Why Do Ladybugs have Spots?
Why Do Ladybugs have Spots? Lady bugs are known to have spots for protecting themselves or for giving warning to others. Lady bugs appear in red or orange color and they may have black or&hellip
Why do Roosters crow in the Morning?
Why do Roosters crow in the Morning? Roosters crow in order to show other roosters that it is their territory. It is said that roosters crow in the morning but researchers have observed that they&hellip
Why do Black People have Big lips?
Why do black people have big lips? The organs in the human body or organs of any animal body are evolved gradually from the ancestors of that evolutionary line. And the evolution of life can&hellip
Why Do Onions Make You Cry And How Can You Stop It?
You’ve probably been cooking before and noticed how you started tearing up while chopping your onion; but why do onions cause this reaction? Unfortunately, the same chemicals that irritate your eyes are the chemicals that&hellip
Why Do Ears pop?
Why do ears pop? We all see our two ears visible outside as ear-pinna. Inside through the pinna traverses ear canal and it ends up into ear drum which is a thin layer that is&hellip
Why Does Uranus spin on its Side?
Why Does Uranus spin on its Side? Uranus rotates along its side with its poles lying in the same plane as that of solar system and appears like drum rolling around the sun instead of&hellip
Why Does Urine bubble?
Why Does Urine bubble? Bubbles in the urine may be due to the vigorous flow of it when the air gets stucked inside the bubbles. The foamy appearance might be because of the fast flow&hellip
Why Does Zinc react with Hydrochloric Acid?
Why Does Zinc react with Hydrochloric Acid? Zinc has the tendency to react with hydrochloric acid by its nature. Zinc is an electropositive element. It is easily oxidized by hydrogen. If zinc is added with&hellip
Why Does Weed make you Paranoid?
Why Does Weed make you Paranoid? In the Journal of Neuropharmacology some scientists explained why the weed taken in can cause paranoia in the person. The scientists say that tetrahydrocannabinol when taken in low doses&hellip
Why Do Cells need Energy?
Why Do Cells need Energy? Cells are living entities that consist of protoplasm which is the indication for life in the cell. Several cells constitute to form our body. Every organ in our body is&hellip
Why Does Beer make you Fat?
Why Does Beer make you Fat? Drinking a little beer and very infrequently would be relaxing and harmless. However, drinking large quantities of beer could obstruct your intention to reduce your weight. The more you&hellip
Why are Gray Wolves Endangered?
Why are Gray Wolves Endangered? There are two types of wolves available in United States of America. They are the grey wolf and the red wolf. The grey wolf is otherwise known as timber wolf.&hellip
Why are French called Frogs?
Why are French called Frogs? The French are related with the name frog. The frog symbol was earlier on the banner of Emperor Charlemagne. His banner consisted of three toads on it. The English and&hellip
Why are Gamma Ray telescopes placed in Space?
Why are Gamma Ray telescopes placed in Space? Fermi Gamma ray telescopes do not possess any sort of mirrors but they have a special type of sensors to monitor and note the energy and direction&hellip
Why Germans are called Krauts?
Why Germans are called Krauts? The word ‘Kraut, is in the German language which was imported from the English language in 1918. It is a word that represents diminishing of something for the Germans. In&hellip
Why are Gymnasts so Muscular?
Why are Gymnasts so Muscular? Though there are number of different athletes who attract people with their talents, skills, and physique , gymnasts are special in attracting people with their surprising ability to catch the&hellip
Why are Ghosts more active at Night?
Why are Ghosts more active at Night? Ghosts are known to us as virtual manifestations of the dead bodies of humans. The stories related to ghosts are present in various cultures all over the world.&hellip
Why do Hamsters eat their Babies?
Why do Hamsters eat their Babies? The reasons for the Hamsters eating their babies are not known. The pups that are born to hamsters are small and very weak. The surrounding world is dangerous and&hellip
Why does Honey Crystallize?
Why does Honey Crystallize? Most of the time, honey crystallizes when it is removed from the honey comb. Some of the honey crystallizes after it is removed from the source. Some of the honey types&hellip
Why does Kim Zolciak wear a Wig?
Why does Kim Zolciak wear a Wig? Kimberleigh M. Zolciak shortly known as Kim Zolciak is a famous singer. She became still more popular with the American television reality series ‘The Real House Wives of&hellip
Why do Stomachs growl?
Why do Stomachs growl? The stomach growling was considered by Greeks as ‘Borborygmi,. The doctors use this word to describe the growling politely. This growling is known by them as a natural part of the&hellip
Why do Xbox 360s get the Red Ring of Death?
Why do Xbox 360s get the Red Ring of Death? There might be a number of reasons for Xbox 360 to get the red ring of death. First major reason is when it gets heated&hellip
Why do Videos keep Buffering?
Why do Videos keep Buffering? Most of the programs in computer make use of temporary storage in the memory called buffers which gets filled with the data first and then transfer it to the hard&hellip
Why do Leaves appear Green?
Why do Leaves appear Green? Plants in general are green in color. Plant cells consist of a unique intra cellular organelle called as ‘chloroplast,,which is one of the intracellular organelles like mitochondria, Golgi complex, endoplasmic&hellip
Why do Jews not eat Pork?
Why do Jews not eat pork? According to the Jewish law, pork is banned from consumption. Pork according to them is classified as ‘non-kosher food,. Kosher meat is the one prepared from ruminant animals which&hellip
Why do Jewish women wear Wigs?
Why do Jewish women wear Wigs? Jewish women do cover their heads with either wig or cloth. The Jewish law says that married woman should cover their hair. To hide their own hair ,some women&hellip
Why do Animals have Tails?
Why do Animals have Tails? Several animals have tails though some animals are exception to that, including humans. Of course the ancestors of human beings, which are monkeys, have tail. The purpose of having a&hellip
Why do Japanese kill Whales?
Why do Japanese kill Whales? The reason why Japan allows whale hunting is for the purpose of research study. They say that killing whales is the only way of finding out their age. The international&hellip
Why does Soda fizz?
Why does Soda fizz? It happens not only in soda, but in other soft drinks – that fizz is noticed when the bottle is opened.Ã’šÃ‚ The soda manufacturers create this froth by pushing carbon-dioxide into&hellip