Why is Sarah Palin so stupid?
Sarah Palin was the former Alaska governor. In an interview given by her in 2008, September 24th Sarah was talking to CBS’s Katie Couric that when Mr. Putin flies high into the airspace, he will enter into the United States of America and steps right into Alaska. She continues to say that the proximal presence of Alaska to Russia creates in her an experience of foreign policy. When she was talking about the health care plan started by Obama while giving a Facebook message, she talked ill about the plan. She said that if her parents and children were suffering from Down’s syndrome, they will have to stand before the Obama’s panel of bureaucrats; the panel would decide further whether the patients are worthy of health care and then provide them the required treatment. Further she says that her parents and children would be provided with heathcare, if they were productive people. Sarah says that this was not the situation in America earlier. She criticized the healthcare plan of Obama in the above manner through a Facebook message in 2009.
During her interview with Katie Couric, she was murmuring to name a single newspaper or magazine she used to read. She could not even remember the name of the newspaper she reads regularly. In another statement that she gave while talking about the various types of ruling in the history of America, she tried to compare the current situation with a Supreme Court decision. The exact name of the case which she was referring to could not be spelt by her properly. She said that it was Roe vs. Wade which was very vague compared to the exact case name.
The word refudiate†which she has invented did not get good response for which she proudly said that Shakespeare also tried to invent new words. She considers herself as literary genius. The usage of the phrase blood libel†for explaining the Arizona shooting massacre was considered improper as this phrase historically mean as the murder of Christian babies allegedly. In a fundraising speech she was stating unclearly that the small Towns were really hardworking, patriotic and constitutes the pockets of real America, which sounded confusing and bad. Even at the time of economic crisis she was complying with Bush government to raise war on terrorists. These are some of the situations when Sarah Palin thoughts were considered stupid.
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