Why is Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) banned?
MMA stands for mixed martial arts. It is also considered as an ultimate fight that consists of a combat. This sport comprises of boxing, wrestling and jiu-jitsu. Canada’s largest groups of doctors are protesting against this sport. They want the government to ban the mixed martial arts sport. The doctors say that this sport always has the risk of generating lifelong potential injuries to the players. In an annual meeting conducted by the Canadian medical association (CMA), around 250 people attended the meeting at Niagara Falls, Ont. They strongly voted for the ban of this sport in Canada.
The CMA president Dr. Anne Doig, who was about to leave this position spoke out that it is the responsibility of a physician to endorse good health for everyone. He says that doctors are very much concerned about the part of MMA sport which involves pummel, punch, kick and scratch. The players indulge in all these dangerous activities which will lead to a serious injury. The doctors tell that this sport involves activities that lead to very serious damage to the brain of the people and it is inevitable for all of us to raise our voice against this sport. The CMA is against this combat sport for about a decade and also wants the government to prohibit the boxing sport too.
Explicit standards in safety, health of the players and proper license to the players was considered as essential to regulate the sport. Regulation of the MMA sport should be considered as a top priority of the Athletic organizations. A British Columbia based physician Dr. Gordon Mackie was talking to the Province News Paper in Vancouver and revealed that the voting of CMA against MMA sport was a right thing.
A MMA player expired in South Carolina in 2010 summer from brain hemorrhage after the MMA debut. In 2007, a MMA player Sam Vasquez expired after staying in coma for 42 days. He was injured in a MMA fight. This is the reason for banning this sport by the doctors.
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