Why is homelessness a social problem?

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Homelessness is considered a social problem because it not only affects a few people but instead accounts for a significant percentage of a certain population.  Although it may vary from one country to another, homelessness continues to be a big, social problem in many parts of the world.

Having a home is considered a basic need of life, but there are actually many people who have no shelter. Because of homelessness, people are usually forced to live on the streets and thereby are exposing themselves to other concerns that may harm them further in their lives.  In many countries, living on the streets also exposes people to various illegal activities like drug and alcohol use. Since many people without homes feel desperate about their situation, a significant percentage of them are more likely to engage in other illegal activities during their lifetime.

Homelessness may also lead to other social concerns like the illegal sex trade and various crimes.  With basically no home and no money to buy food, some homeless people resort to being prostitutes while others engage in criminal activities just to get some money for food or shelter purposes.  Some people also choose to become beggars for life, and so they also become homeless for life.  Food will usually be the first priority, and so many of the poor people in most countries will forever have difficulty in finding a home for themselves.

Various governments in many countries are in a constant battle to help citizens with housing programs, but usually their efforts are not good enough for everybody.  Not all homeless people and families will be reached by these government projects.  Some will be unable to get help from the government because of a limited budget for shelter projects.  Others, meanwhile, become victims of government corruption.  As many people say, homeless people deserve to claim their right to social security someday.

Author: erwin

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