Why is Blood a Tissue?

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Why is Blood a Tissue?

Blood is an important body fluid that delivers the necessary nutrients to the cells in our body. Nutrients such as oxygen and the likes are transported all throughout the different part of the body through the blood vessels (composed of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins). Many scientists believe that blood is a specialized form of connective tissue. The reason is because of its origin in the bones and the presence of fibers in the form of fibrinogen.

Not all liquids can be a connective tissue. The only reason why blood is considered that way is due to the fact that is has a concentration of ‘ground substances, like calcium, minerals and phosphorus in its extra-cellular matrix. It may not be able to connect things but it is from the same ‘ebryotic layer, on which all other connective tissues are classified.

Connective tissues ‘connects, supports and binds, other tissues together. There are many kinds of connective tissues and some of these include loose connective tissue, Fibrous Connective Tissue and Specialized connective Tissue.

Loose connective tissues are most commonly found on vertebrates. It holds and supports organs in place and other underlying tissues. The three main types of loose connective tissues are Collagenous Fibers, Elastic Fibers and Reticular Fibers. Collagenous fibers are made of collagen, Elastic Fibers are stretchable and made from elastin, and Reticular fibers join tissues to other tissues.

The Fibrous connective tissue is found in ligaments and tendons in the body. It is composed of closely packed collagenous fibers. There is also the special connective tissue and blood is among these ‘specialized tissues,. It may have a different function compared to the other tissues in our body, but it does have the extra cellular matrix that is composed of plasma, erythrocytes leukocytes and platelets. Blood really is an important part of our body and may yet hold other secrets still unknown to modern science.

Author: maureen

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