Why do hallucinations occur?
Hallucinations are those created by the mind and are not really occurring. The hallucinations that commonly occur have the feeling of bodily sensation, that something is creeping on your skin, and that internal organs are moving. Hallucinations help us in hearing the sounds like music, footsteps, banging of windows or doors and so on. If you hear a voice of someone who did not speak out at all, looking at various patterns, lights, beings and objects and smelling a good or bad odor are some other hallucinations.
The subconscious mind is considered as sleeping mind while the conscious mind is considered as awakened mind.  People generally relate the conscious mind with reality. When anyone experiences any event in sleep or dream, then we consider the event as part of a dream. This is done, as it has occurred in the subconscious mind. If the event has occurred when anyone is in conscious frame of mind, then it becomes a realistic experience. The mind-sets which are intermediate to conscious and subconscious minds cause hallucinations. Hallucinations will occur when the mind state is in-between the dream and conscious state. They occur when your mind do not switch back to the conscious state.
Some of the causes of hallucinations are being drunk; cease using the drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, LSD, PCP, amphetamines, alcohol, ketamine and heroin. Dementia is the common disorder that can often lead to hallucinations. Epilepsy is another disorder which can lead to hallucinations. Normal fever in children and adults, narcolepsy, schizophrenia, psychotic depression, blindness, deaf, severe illness, liver failure, kidney failure, AIDS and brain cancer are some of the causes for hallucinations. Hallucinations can lead to gap in perception of things.
The human perception is not exactly real. The sensory areas in the brain filter the environment. The cognitive capacity of the brain perceives the stimulus in the world as actual or real.  The perception of humans is a way of realizing the reality. When we think about any event through symbols and representations, it is not easy for us to transfer our perceptions into hallucinations. The sensory areas of the brain are dynamically overtaken by the memory area of the brain at the time of hallucination. The memories will generate a hallucination with the help of sensory areas along with the feeling, smell, vision and so on.
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February 12, 2013 11:09 pm
Hey. Dudes? WHo