Posts By maureen

Why Do Cramps Happen?

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Why Do Cramps Happen? After a vigorous run or lifting of weights and during a woman’s menstrual period, any person involved in these activities would feel unpleasant, a painful sensation or muscle spasms. We call&hellip

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Why Do Artists Create Art?

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Why Do Artists Create Art? Many people believe that everyone is born with the potential to create art. Artists are those who create art as a passion and as a profession. Art is something very&hellip

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Why Do Apples Spoil?

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Why Do Apples Spoil? Every Fruit and Vegetable in nature spoils with time. Apples may last for up to 3-5 months and there is a possibility that it will last longer, if stored properly. Apples&hellip

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Why Do Economists Use Models?

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Why Do Economists Use Models? Economists are natural thinkers. They would make a lot of assumptions and theories regarding certain factors that they think could have an impact on the economy. When they are testing&hellip

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Why do Ears Bleed?

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Why do Ears Bleed? Some people are greatly troubled when they experience bleeding in their ears. They would initially think that something is very wrong and would immediately consult the doctor (which is the best&hellip

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Why Do Empires Fall?

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Why Do Empires Fall? Hearing the word empire takes us back to thousands of centuries back. An empire is a geographically wide group of people and states, and is headed by a monarch, be it&hellip

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Why Do Japanese Bow?

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Why Do Japanese Bow? Japan as a country is ranked as one of the top southeast-Asian countries in the whole world. It has a rich economy as well as a rich culture. Most of us&hellip

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Why Do Jews Wear Skull Caps?

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Why Do Jews Wear Skull Caps? Jewish people are an ethno religious group merged by a common religious belief. The Jewish people that originate from the Israelites or the Hebrews in the Ancient Near East&hellip

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Why Do Boats Float?

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Why Do Boats Float? Are you fond of fishing or sailing with the family? Or do sea or lake trips make you seasick? Have you ever wondered why the boat or canoe your riding in&hellip

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Why Do Breasts Get Sore?

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Why Do Breasts Get Sore? The breasts are parts of the mammal’s body both in male and female. In human, a girl or woman’s breast is more prominent than men. Breasts begin to enlarge in&hellip

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Why Do Eskimos Look Asian?

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Why Do Eskimos Look Asian? Many people believed that the first Eskimo’s came from Asia when they crossed the land bridge going to Alaska, also called the ‘New World,. Because of this fact, many similarities&hellip

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Why Do Adenoids Swell?

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Why Do Adenoids Swell? Adenoids or also called Pharyngeal tonsil or nasopharyngeal tonsils a part of the Waldeyer’s ring that are found at the back of the throat behind the nose, it produces antibodies that&hellip

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Why do E-mails Bounce?

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Why do E-mails Bounce? Bouncing e-mails can be very vexing, especially if you’re sending an important message that needs to be relayed immediately, but instead receive a notification letter that states that it cannot find&hellip

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Why Do Companies Go Global?

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Why Do Companies Go Global? Most of the companies and establishments are always looking forward to international markets for business growth. They provide different approaches by introducing newer and better products that can expand the&hellip

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Why Do Ears Smell?

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Why Do Ears Smell? Any topic about stinks and smells would normally eke us out, especially when we talk of odors of the human body. It is not a normal topic we talk over breakfast&hellip

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Why Do Abusers Abuse?

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Why Do Abusers Abuse? A child with a broken nose and marks on the back. A young girl forcefully harassed in her room by the stepfather. A mother threatened and yelled every time she gets&hellip

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Why Do Cookies Have Flour?

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Why Do Cookies Have Flour? Flour is an important ingredient especially when you’re baking cakes, pastries, breads and cookies. It acts as a medium to combine the ingredients together and is necessary for consistency. When&hellip

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Why Do CPOE?

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Why Do CPOE? The effectiveness of Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) has been debated ever since it was started. It is supposed to make things easier to a lot of people, but problems kept on&hellip

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Why Do CPR?

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Why Do CPR? Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or CPR is a procedure that saves lives. The only time someone does CPR is during ’emergencies,. Since emergencies do not pick a usual place or a definite time to&hellip

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Why Do Episcopalians Cross Themselves?


Why Do Episcopalians Cross Themselves? Every religious denomination in the world has their customs and practices, which are unique and exclusively theirs. Some, because of too much exclusivity and uniqueness might appear weird and ridiculous&hellip

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Why Do Economies Grow?

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Why Do Economies Grow? For an economy to grow, there are lots of factors to consider. The significance of a profitable growth percentage is relative. An economy can develop, shrink, or settle the on the&hellip

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Why Do Eclipses Occur?

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Why Do Eclipses Occur? A lot of people find it a spectacle every time an eclipse is concluded to appear at one point during the year. Sometimes, these natural occurrences are so sensationalized that people&hellip

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Why Do Tsunamis Occur?

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Why Do Tsunamis Occur? Though it is rare in occurrence, most of us know about the killer wave that hit the great Indian Ocean back in 2004. In studies shown by U.S. Geological Scientists, they&hellip

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Why Do Heels Crack?

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Why Do Heels Crack? Cracked heels are those which you can find on your feet just like the horrible appearance of cracks on the soil. If the fissures are not that deep, then we can&hellip

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Why Is Java Not Pure OOP?

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Why Is Java Not Pure OOP? Java is not pure object oriented programming language because some of its data types are not object. In java we can make use of primitive data types. Pure Object&hellip

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Why Are Boys So Stupid?


Why Are Boys So Stupid? Why are boys so stupid? This is probably the most common question of every girl. There is no scientific explanation about this but there is a sensible rationalization behind it.&hellip

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