Why Not to get the H1N1 Vaccine?

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Why Not to get the H1N1 Vaccine?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Detection, vaccinations are an important step in disease prevention. The flu ‘š whether swine or seasonal ‘š can have some nasty effects for people with health risks such as asthma, diabetes, heart, or neurologic disease, and pregnancy. The organization recommends vaccinations for small children and adults over the age of 65.
Vaccines are preventative measures, and are ideally the lesser of two evils. However, they are not 100% safe universally. Most cause a mild reaction and only 1 in a 1,000,000 leads to a serious neurological disorder, whereas the flu itself has higher statistics.
If the vaccine were to make it into a cookbook, the ingredients would read chicken embryos, formaldehyde, squalene adjuvant, thimerosal, polysorbate 80, and aluminum adjuvant. The squalene and thimerosal can present some problems ‘š both linked to autoimmune and neurological disorders. Squalene occurs naturally in the body. Injected, however, it may lead to rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and MS. Thimerosal (a derivative of mercury) associates with autism and neurological disorders. The other ingredients have the cruel history of their bit parts in other failed vaccines.

While vaccines come with a ‘buyer beware, warning, the flu vaccine is only truly recommended for those with health risks or those traveling to an area with an outbreak. If you do not fall into either of these categories, skip the vaccine.

Author: Rayno

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