Why mood rings change color?

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The mood rings were invented by Joshua Reynolds. These rings gained fame in the 1970s and are in use even today. The ring has a stone which will change its color according to the emotional state or mood of the person who wears it. The mood rings consist of a stone which is hollow quartz. The stone is characterized by a glass shell that consists of thermotropic liquid crystals. The mood ornaments that are made in these modern times are generally prepared using a flat strip of liquid crystals. These liquid crystals will have a coating that is protective. The crystal colors will be influenced by the changes in the outside temperature. The twisting of the crystals will alter the structure of the molecules present in them. The changed structure of the molecules in those crystals will show an impact on the wavelength of the light which is absorbed or reflected.  Each of the light wavelengths represents a color, and the crystals in the mood ring will show different colors based on the wavelength that it reflects. Therefore, the change in temperature will bring the change in color.

The mood rings actually cannot explain a person’s emotional state accurately. When they are found to show a blue or green color, the temperature around the person wearing it is about 82 degrees F. If the person is more happy and passionate, the temperature of his/her body makes the crystals to show more of the blue color. When the person is more excited or in extreme stress, the flow of blood is drawn away from the skin, and the flow will be towards the organs. This will make the fingers to become cool, and the crystals in the rings on the fingers will twist the colors to show a yellow color. The yellow color will appear when the crystal reflects yellow light. If the weather outside is cool or if the ring is damaged, the stone becomes dark grey or black and does not reflect any colored wavelengths of light.

The list of colors that are reflected by the crystals purportedly based on the various different moods of the person are as follows:

  1. Blue – Calm and relaxed.
  2. Green – Average without any special situations.
  3. Violet blue – Happy and romantic.
  4. Brown or Gray –Anxious and nervous.
  5. Yellow or Amber – Tense or excited.
  6. Black – Damaged ring or cold temperatures.

Author: Hari M

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