Why is sociology important?
Sociology is a science of social activities that are used to improve the knowledge of human activity. Sociology deals with social activities meant for human welfare in the society. As man is a social being he has to develop certain ideologies and methodologies to live comfortably and peacefully in the society. Sociology deals with the interaction between several individuals and groups in the society. Ã’šÃ‚ Sociology involves the interaction between humans from individual level to the group level. It is also concerned with social systems and structures apart from very small interactions.
Sociology is actually a very wide discipline. Conventionally, this subject concentrates on social stratification, social class, religion, law, and secularization. Sociology is an important branch of study which involves the integrated knowledge on social sciences and humanities in order to improve civic competence. In school, social science includes anthropology, archeology, economics, geography, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion and sociology as well as content from humanities, mathematics and natural sciences.
Sociology is important as it gives the young people the information to develop their ability to think good about the society. This branch of study makes everyone to know that he or she is responsible to be good to the public. Being good to everyone in the public is vital as they are citizens of culturally diverse, democratic society in this interdependent world.
Sociology teaches the necessity of learning the skills of speaking, writing, and thinking which will help us in decision making and problem solving. Sociology makes the students to be rationale, humane and all time learners. Sociology teaches us to appreciate the cultural diversity and significant elements of culture. Sociology allows us to assimilate the principles of politics and other systems to participate in the democratic society. This branch helps us to understand the influence of science and technology on the society as well as individuals. The people are made to understand well the cultural values and personal values. It makes us to learn the cause and effect relationships, change, continuity and turning points, and divergent perspectives. The effect of aesthetic expression is made to be recognized by the people.
February 22, 2012 5:15 pm
Infact am not in a position to denny the previously said bit infact it should be noted that; Aguste Comte once said ” Sociology is the result institutional change, incase sociology shouldn’t be static.” inso it can be proven by the sociological way from Dark age, medieval to enligthen era; Sociology has be so adaptive, the case that plays role to human satisfacation. Since Sociology agree to dyminism, the sociological theories should then be apdated as decade takes over. Simply continious Research will give life to Sociology.
April 13, 2013 1:01 pm
Its a good outline on sociology, it can improve
April 13, 2013 1:02 pm
Sociology provides tools to overcome many obstacles brought by student in schools