Why is RNA necessary to act as messenger?

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Why is RNA necessary to act as messenger?

The body is made up of hundreds and millions of cell. Contained within each cell is a nucleus that acts as the control center, where all cellular activities are being controlled and monitored. While DNA, a double helix structure attached together in a twisted ladder form, is the blueprint in constructing the components of the cell which forms structural units of proteins that make up ones genes and chromosomes. As these are established, traits are established and distinguished. However, it is upon the discretion of the sequence of bases found on DNA on which proteins to be formed. As these proteins are formed, they are the ones to determine what specific activities are to be performed.

Since DNA is made up of large molecules, it cannot penetrate through the tiny nucleic pores. For it to be interpreted another chemical component must be used in a form called messenger RNA. Messenger RNA or mRNA is a single-stranded structure that is composed of building blocks of nucleic acid called nucleotides. Messenger RNA is one form of RNA that functions in encoding the message coming from the DNA to form proteins. It then transports the gathered data into the cell where proteins are assembled and generated. It is therefore necessary for RNA to act as messenger because no other form of molecular compounds can function as that of what mRNA does. If RNA will not function as a messenger, the genetic makeup contained in DNA, will not be interpreted and no trait is formed since there are no proteins that are being synthesized within the cell.

It is only in the presence of messenger RNA that chemical interactions can continue to form and provide structure to proteins, of which are essential to every living system.

Author: plaza

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