Why is Natural Selection important?
Everything here on earth exists with a purpose and that existence makes any living thing to survive and live longer.
It was Charles Darwin who introduced the Theory of Evolution and along with it is the concept of natural selection. Natural selection is described as the process of how species adjust to their surroundings. This adaptation skill makes species survive by undergoing changes both in physical and social aspects.
Nature had been designed in a way that all organisms can attain continued existence even if it means that evolution will take place. Take for example the beetles, although this belongs to one family, still they have different traits in color and adaptive mechanisms. Some are green and others are brown. But then because of natural selection, the green beetles might disappear in the population. The environment could not sustain anymore too many beetles so it will phase out the green beetles naturally. The green one will be eaten by other organisms leading to their extinction. On the other hand, the brown beetles will continue to survive and reproduce. With this, all beetles in the population will be brown. The environment had then become successful in its own selection of brown beetles.
Natural selection is quite misunderstood by traditional scientists because they believe that the environment does not have the capacity to let other organisms die or survive. But thorough observation had created a theory that natural selection indeed exists. This can be explained with the Theory of Evolution that men came from apes because of natural adaption, genetics, and reproduction.
The importance of natural selection could not be underrated. If the environment does not have the power and the capacity to select the organisms living in it, then it will not continue to stay alive. With natural selection, new species and more organisms exist which create an immense role in the sustainability of our ecosystem.
November 23, 2017 8:50 pm
nice job
November 23, 2017 8:52 pm
that was helpful