Why Is Music So Powerful?
Music is a sound of expression and composed with a heart. It is associated with different concepts and ideas. To the many, it has a special significance and meaning to their lives. How can one dance without music? Guitars, other song instruments, bands and singers would not be created or discovered without music. We all have our own music, how we express the melody of our music within our hearts.
Imagine life without music. Boring and dull isn’t it? To the lonely, it gives melody to their tedious world. To the fashionistas, it is their greatest style. To the broken hearted, it helps them mend their hearts. To the sick, it is their ultimate remedy because it makes their soul vivacious. To the depressed, it is their way of reaching piece of joy. To the worshipers, it is their sweet way of praying and to the people from different walks of life, it is their life, it is part of their way of living, it makes them feel alive and powerful.
Music is so powerful that it can save life. Discover the power of music at around 9pm or before you go to bed, it has a calming effect that can ease your mind and besides increase endorphins ensuing to swift recovery (to those who are sick). It may make you calm or wild, happy or sad but in the end, it has an excellent effect. It can strike down tediousness, exhaustion and is known to be anti-stressor. Having music means having a soul and helps us stay in the right track: physically, mentally and spiritually.
We laugh, we cry and we dance because of music. We have the power to create our own music, it depends on us. Also, it’s really up to us on how we deal with the music of our lives. It makes us move. More and more types of music were composed and played because of the power of music!
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