Why is ADHD on the rise?
It was reported that the number of children suffering from ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactive disorder), diagnosed and treated increased in the past 2 decades. ADHD defines the child to be not able to focus or listen or complete the school work and other tasks. The recognition of the condition has increased gradually as the parents and teachers are getting exposed as well as understand about ADHD. The consumer awareness has been increasing since a long time and the media interest also has enhanced over the issue. The teachers were trained in order to recognize this condition in many cases and the families who were having problem with this condition were suggested to take the concerned help. Taking the help was found to be necessary in the case of the condition state being mild to moderate.
By now the ADHD condition was defined clearly and diagnosed properly. The family members are ready to accept the condition as a physical disorder that can be treated. They are ready to take the help which their child needs to recover. ADHD is not considered these days as the disorder resulting from poor parental care or ineffective care from the teachers. ADHD is considered now as a biochemical disorder which results due to the behavioral therapy and treatment through medicines.
Most of the children were given medicines to treat this condition. The availability of portable TVs and DVD players wherever required has made the children to watch TV continuously. This has become an increased risk of ADHD these days for the children. A scientific study that was published in the journal of Pediatrics says that children who are watching TV for most of the time are unable to come under control of parental attention in later life. According to the latest information, 1 million children were diagnosed to be having ADHD.
In 2003, one in 13 children were diagnosed with ADHD while in 2007, 1 in 10 children were diagnosed with this. This statistics was according to the federal survey of parents which showed about 22 percent rise in the patients. The reason for this rise is probably that the disorder is understood very much and some more anxiety disorders like DSM IV were identified which could differentiate ADHD from them. The anxiety disorders might have same symptoms as that of ADHD.
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