Why Facebook is better than Twitter?

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Why Facebook is better than Twitter?

Today when anyone wants to perform social marketing, face book will be their better choice. Face book can be considered as a bigger and modern platform for marketing our business than twitter. Those companies which can afford for resources to entertain marketing in one site can opt for face book rather than twitter. For companies which are able to spend for marketing their products in more than one website can go for both face book as well as twitter. Face book can be strongly considered as their platform for product marketing in the case of medium sized companies.

As per the survey conducted by compete.com, twitter has visitors of around 22 millions in a period of one month while that of in face book the users are about 122 millions. It is observed that users in twitter site register once and do not login again. When a business review was conducted it was studied that about ninety percent of messages sent through twitter are from only ten percent of the users and all others were not using the site often.

Face book is noticed to be having a big and dazzling user base. On an average a user in face book has around 200 friends who can be made use of to multiply your product information very rapidly. For any business page that you have created in the face book, a built-in program in the face book analyzes and measures the extent of your page accepted and assessed by the viewers, the type of viewers looking at your page, whether people liked your page or not and so on. Twitter does not have any analytics of this kind. Face book also promotes any event performed by a user to be viewed also by his or her friends. So comments on your products can be easily spread to many people in the user area. Face book provides an opportunity for advertising in your pages about your business. Face book will help in connecting your another website application programming interface with it. Twitter does not have all the above facilities and hence face book is better than twitter.

Author: Hari M

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