Why don’t Macintosh computers get viruses?

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Why don’t Macintosh computers get viruses?

The idea that Macs don’t get viruses is not completely true. Macs (just like PCs) are vulnerable to virus attacks, but the probability of infection is very limited compared to Microsoft Windows operating systems.

The Mac OS X is built upon a Unix kernel platform’š¬Ã¢â‚¬the basis or foundation for the Mac operating system. Microsoft Windows (PC) is build upon a {insert the PC platform foundation}. The difference between these computing platforms can, in the case of the Windows OS, invite more vulnerability.

Microsoft Windows commands a larger share of the computer market compared to the Mac OS X, for example. Because Microsoft Windows is so prolific in the computing world, there are more chances for PCs to be targeted for viruses and malware. Most computer hackers are more familiar with the Microsoft Windows OS simply because of the number of PCs in use in the computing community compared with the Mac OS. Wide use and familiarity with Windows OSs creates more opportunities for hackers to develop and distribute virus programs for PCs more easily.

A Macintosh computer might have a virus carried in its operating system and yet will not be infected. In this case, if the computer is connected to a network that is shared with a Windows computer, a route is opened for the virus to be transferred to an unprotected PC. In another instance, a Mac OS can be affected (yet not infected) with a virus if the Mac is running a virtual PC environment. The virtual PC operating system opens a route for the virus to be transferred to other systems on the network.

Although Macintosh computers are built and designed to be protected from viruses and malware, Macs still can be affected by Trojans, phishing malware and many other dreadful attacks. Mac owners should be careful to protect their computers from viruses and malware not only for their own network environment, but also for all computers that are connected to their computer over the internet. Mac users should follow the instructions at Computer Help www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000507.htm to protect their own system and keep others’ computers safe online.

Mac owners should be aware of specific viruses that can infect their computers. For more information about Macintosh viruses and their symptoms go to Computer World www.computerworld.com.au/article/301669/mac_bomb_ticks_security_smug_users.

The most important thing to know is that viruses and malware cannot affect a computer (whether it is Mac or a PC) if the owner is careful enough to use antivirus protection programs.

Author: Hari M

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