Why do substances dissolve in water?

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Why do substances dissolve in water?

For many various reasons, water has acquired its name of being a liquid of miracle. As it plays a major role in the survival of all living creatures, beings and things, water is one essential element in nature that man could not survive living without. In the field of science, water is chemical element that is popularly represented by the chemical symbol, H2O. It consists of two hydrogen atoms and a single atom of oxygen that are bonded together in covalence. At a state of ambience, water comes in a liquid state but it often co-exista on Earth in a solid form, also known as ice and in a gaseous state in a form of steam. Water is abundantly found on Earth and comprises 70.9 percent of the planet’s surface. Vital to all known forms of life, water is found in different bodies that undergoes cycles and stages to be made suitable for the existence of man and other living beings. Water is one compound that is used in a variety of ways such as in irrigation, chemical purposes, recreation, food processing, industrial production and manufacturing and quenching one’s thirst.

Water is deemed as the universal solvent. Its simple molecular structure makes other substances easily dissolve in water. Although some compounds and element are not compatible with the compounds that comprise water such as oil, most common substances can be dissolved in water. Substances dissolve in water because of the partial charge that water uniquely possesses. Water dissolves various substances by surrounding charged particles and pulling them into the solution. The simple attraction the water exhibits makes a variety of elements and compounds become easily soluble in water.

Today, water remains to be an important element that sustains the vitality and survival of life.

Author: plaza

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