Why do soccer players trade jerseys?
For those who do not regularly watch soccer, it will be very much odd to see the players to exchange their jerseys to the opposition team members in the field. The players exchange their Jerseys that are drenched with sweat and dirt with the other team members. Those who are regular viewers of soccer and especially of this tradition will be very enthusiastic about the origin of this act.
There is a rule imposed by FIFA that exchange of Jerseys or shirts are not allowed and this act will violate the regulations of FIFA. This rule is not followed regularly. It is reported that even women are exchanging their Jerseys after the official match. This is done probably because they are in the beginning of the sports life and they view the Jerseys as gifts that are similar to memento. The players also have a feeling that exchanging the shirts will make them show deference and uprightness towards the opposition team players.
The exchange of Jerseys was spotted for the first time during the year 1931. On 14th of May in that year there was a match held between France and England commemorating friendship between them. This match was held at the Stade Olympique in Colombes town in France. France in this match played amazingly by scoring 5 goals which was a big achievement for them against England. England was considered as a powerhouse in soccer at that time. France out of joy desired to make this event as memorable by requesting the England team members to exchange all their Jerseys with their’s. Therefore Jersey trading started from then onwards.
For some players, the Jerseys they have earned from other players after the matches were symbols of memorable history and they used to decorate their rooms with these shirts. They keep the shirts that were exchanged in their international game as a nice memory. Trading of Jerseys were seen even in international matches too.
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