Why Do People Get Married?

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wedding-322034_640People marry to go to the next level

Do you know that marriage offers more satisfaction in living over money, sex or children? This relevant fact was the conclusion based on a study made by psychologists in Wake Forest University. Data gathered from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2013 showed that in the U.S., marriage rate is around 6.8 per 1,000 in total population.

Facts about marriage:

In the United States (as well as other parts of the world) women got married for a number of reasons. It could be due to financial reasons, or the need for security or to have children. But today is already 2015 and this age is known as Golden Age of Quantum Computing. Women have established their worth in the workplace as they have achieved more success than their male counterpart so they don’t need to marry for money anymore. And for a woman to have a child out of wedlock is no big deal and no longer socially shunned. In fact, it is totally normal for couples to live together without benefit of marriage. More subcultures are more conservative socially and frowned on the practice but it is not the cause serious problems like disinheriting, loss of employment, discrimination, and so on.

People still get hitched and marry for valid reasons; among which are:

1. Marriage and man’s emotions. This is probably the logical argument reason for people to get married. It is engrained in man’s nature to want companionship, romance, and love that a couple shares and want to spend the rest of their lives together. Some people get married because they are afraid of spending their life alone or that they will not find someone else to share their life with. Emotion of anger is one reason to get married as children do so to spite their parents or another individual with whom they’ve had a relationship. Consider positive emotions behind wanting to get married to make the union more magical.

2. Marriage is a financial asset. It offers countless benefits. Just consider its tax benefits as marriage reduces the tax burden for couples who file jointly. The so-called “penalities” can be avoided if spouses receive substantially different salaries; the lower one can reduce the higher one into a lower bracket; thus reducing their overall taxes. Health insurance is the greatest benefit. If one of the couple is employed full time and enjoys company sponsored health insurance, he or she can add spouse’s policy for a minimum additional cost. Auto insurance is another hit since by pooling needs, the amount is lowered. For instance, in some companies cost goes down as much as 26% drop annual premium coverage for married couple. Marriage provides financial protection for both.

3. Marriage is good for health and longevity. The quest for health is universal as current research found that married people live long than their unmarried counterparts; they are physically & mentally healthier and generally happier. They recover from illness quicker & more successfully and likely to take better care of themselves as they refrained from risky behavior. Marriage is a protection from promiscuity and social diseases that most single individuals are prone to. Both marriage and cohabitation are associated with both financial satisfaction and health. But cohabitation, unlike marriage offers poorer psychological well-being for married individual has the protection effects and security that is not applicable to mere cohabitation.

4. Marriage is an institution

. In many countries, two people confirmed their agreement legally that is validated by officials designated by the state. No matter which type of religious rites a couple undergoes, they are only considered legally married if they obtain a properly registered state license. Today, marriage is actually stronger and on more stable ground than it has been in the past. Marriage is directly connected with a trusting commitment based on freedom and love as a foundation making it healthier and stronger than ever before.
Marriage is a truly an ancient institution that predates recorded history. Marriage is currently accepted as being unique, no longer gender-based, conceived in terms of flexible divisions of labor, companionship, and mutual sexual attraction. In fact, gay marriages are fast gaining grounds.

Author: Lourdes Cedeno

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