Why do mirrors turn black?

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Many people like to put mirrors in various places in their houses. Mirrors not only serve a practical purpose for some people but also provide a design element to the house. Most people use mirrors to make a particular space look bigger while others put mirrors in strategic places in a house or office to give a more visually appealing effect. The problem with some mirrors is that they discolor and turn black over time.

One common reason for black spots on mirrors is the presence of moisture at the front and at the back of the mirrors. For some people, installing mirrors in their proper places is the only thing to consider. Not many people know that excess moisture may actually play a part in turning the mirror into black. This is especially true when there is too much moisture at the back part of the mirror when installed. Over time, the moisture will react with the mirror’ silver coating and create black spots. The black spots typically start at the edges but may spread to the center over time.

Many mirrors also turn to black because of exposure to various chemicals. This is especially true for mirrors that are installed in bathrooms. Common household products and even the chemicals on one’s hands may actually cause mirror discoloration if they are not wiped or cleaned off properly. Mirrors in bathrooms are constantly exposed to various chemicals and if these are left un-wiped for a long period of time, some may cause staining and black spots.

Mirrors may also turn black due to regular temperature changes in a particular room. Some mirrors are exposed daily to sunlight and other weather elements like snow and rain. The silver coating in mirrors will eventually give in to constant exposure to different weather or temperatures. Early on, the silver coating will lose some of its shiny element and then later turn into black.

Author: erwin

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