Why Do Men have Wet Dreams?


Why Do Men have Wet Dreams?

Even though wet dreams don’t happen to men as much as they do to young teens, these do still happen and for a couple of different reasons. It is confusing to many men when they try to figure out why this happens to them, but it isn’t a very complex issue when you really think about it. Men think about sex a bit more than women, so it isn’t too surprising that this way of thinking continues into the dreaming state.

One of the most common reasons for a wet dream is simply that the man is dreaming about having sex with someone and they are actually masturbating while the dream is occurring. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the common way of masturbating, but in some way the man touches his penis in a way that makes the body ejaculate. Sometimes this can be avoided by masturbating or having sex before the man goes to sleep .

A less common wet dream that men have is one where they did not ejaculate when have sexing or masturbating before they fell asleep and they actually ejaculate after they fall asleep. This usually occurs very soon after they fall asleep, but it can happen a little bit afterward as well. Basically, the mind is still thinking about something sexual and that ups the chances of a sexual dream to come up in the mind.

Wet dreams can be very embarrassing to men who are married or wake up with someone sleeping next to them, but in all honesty, it is not something that they can really help in most cases. Usually it won’t happen over and over again, so it really isn’t something that most men have to worry about. There are much bigger issues out there, but it is understandable why this is a confusing issue.

Author: radan

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15 Responses

  1. jade potts

    August 31, 2010 8:24 am

    my boyfriend does this every single night and it upsets me and drives me mad as i dont get much sleep because of it, could you tell me why this happens? he also goes soft when we have sex its as much embaressing for me. please help.

    • kyle

      July 16, 2013 5:36 am

      As ignorant as this guy is ^. It’s wrong. All wrong. I myself have had that problem. And I always got soft because I was nervous. Not because I wasn’t attracted to the girl. She was gorgeous, being nervous is a huge turn off for a guy and really ruins my sexual mood. Thus, turning me off and making me soft.

  2. Truth Hurts

    July 20, 2012 8:31 am

    Well Jade…. It’s probably because your man is sexually frustrated because you weren’t putting out, so naturally he has to take care of the problem himself, thus he becomes less attracted to you sexually. Another factor for him getting soft coincides with not being attracted to you anymore, you used to be beautiful and then you let that go and gained weight, became a slob, etc, thus he doesn’t care for you anymore in that area, and you will be lucky if he even sticks around much longer. Take a Good Look in the mirror and say ITS MY FAULT! Because it is.

    Yours Truly,
    Truth Hurts

    • Yes!

      April 24, 2013 7:48 am

      Yes truth hurts hit the nail on the head. This happen to me with my b!tch and it sucked donkey nuts.Couldnt bang her loose fat ass anymore she gained like 50 lbs it was efin disgusting!

    • master bater

      February 3, 2013 10:51 pm

      well Jacob,that’s really gross knowing the fact that little kids go on this website for information,you really need to see a doctor,im serious because that can lead to a yeast infection and I really don’t know what to say besides go to a specialist!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Sarah

    December 5, 2012 10:13 am

    Why does my partner still have wet dreams an why does it look a bit pink on his white briefs..?? Please help not sure if it something I should be concerned about or not…

    • christian

      December 17, 2012 6:13 pm

      well its probly a ripped vain, thread getting wet from the sperm and mixing the colors together,or a prank, that all i can think of i hope this answer helped!

    • Lucy

      September 10, 2014 1:35 pm

      I concur. I read a scholar article while doing a thesis not long ago in sexual physiology, maybe you can find it on Google Scholar. There was a census and on average males thought about sex on average 7% more than women. Which is not much, but it is however a noteworthy difference.

  4. Eric

    July 31, 2013 12:25 pm

    People dream often about unresolved issues from their day. If their natural quota of their libido is frustrated (not enough sex for them or a sexual fantasy is not fulfilled) then this goes into the dreamstate. Sexual arousal is at least part mental in nature, even during waking. A male does not have to manually stimulate themselves in their sleep to have a nocturnal emission (“wet dream”). Sometimes its all mental arousal or a combination of that and interpreted signal from the feel of sheets or rubbing from leg movement.

    If you’ve had satisfying sex in the past, you have to look at life factors that are different both in and out of your relationship. Its obviously not medical or an environmental stress/fatigue issue. So most likely, the problem is your relationship and how your partner sees you. To some extent the person above is right but in a very unpleasant way. If your behaviors change from when you had the satisfying sex to the present and expect everything else to stay the same, you’re being ridiculous. So if prior, you had stayed in shape and not shown certain habits or behaviors that are now present, don’t expect your attractiveness quotient to be higher than when you started. So if your BF sees you picking your nose, farting, etc or without your makeup all the time and in frumpy or unflattering clothing often, sexual desirability will likely decrease. Also if you’re nagging, demanding or complaining, that is hardly sexy, either.


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