Why do hypotheses need to be tested?

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A hypothesis is an idea or explanation that is based on a hunch or explanation. A certain phenomena, for example, can be considered an example of a hypothesis if the supposed outcome is considered unknown.  In order to test or prove a certain idea, situation, or speculation to be true or untrue, it must go through a testing or experimentation process.  Without testing, a hypothesis will remain as it is, without a clear indication whether it is true or untrue.  Testing is needed for the simple reason that a hypothesis needs to be determined whether it is one thing or another.

In the field of scientific research, for example, hypotheses play a major role in various experiments and discoveries.  Formulating a hypothesis literally triggers the start of a research or testing process.  Without a speculative point of view or any observance of a particular situation, there will be nothing to test, and there will be nothing to prove if something is true or not.  Using strict experiment guidelines, for example, a hypothesis should be tested several times to make sure that the results are reliable and accurate.  It is also important that the person who formulated the hypothesis does not know the exact result of a certain speculation or phenomenon in question.  This is to ensure that the testing of the hypothesis is done in a strict and scientific way.  Personal bias is also excluded when the testing is done using standard procedures and guidelines.

In the case of testing the actual changes that are brought about by exposure to a certain chemical, for example, the hypothesis may point to one specific result.  Using this particular hypothesis as the basis for testing, different scenarios and test conditions must be done in order to truly get the best and most accurate result.  Without proper testing, the hypothesis may not be proven as true or untrue.

Author: erwin

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