Why Do Geese Honk?
The goose (singular for geese) is a kind of bird or fowl that number to about 52 species scattered all over the world. Next to humans they are referred as one of the most talkative animals and their characteristic honk is a very important tool of communication and their distinct way of vocalization. Geese honk for a number of reasons such as for greetings, warnings and contentment and they also honk to send a message of alarm or simply as feeding calls.
By honking and voice recognition, a temporarily lost goose can easily locate and rejoin its family members among a great flock. It is also a big help for the flock of geese to maintain their geometric flight formation in the air. In fact, it has been discovered that even while still in their eggs the goslings or baby geese already start to establish communication with their parents which proves to show that they have a sophisticated and extraordinary level of communication.
Other reasons why geese honk are as follows: a form of contact calls as if to basically reassure if a family member is present in an area, to point a good feeding or landing area and to alert flock members of the presence of predators and enemies. Also, they make loud and simultaneous honks or calls when they feel threatened or excited especially in the event of territorial disputes among flocks. Pairs of mating geese greet each other by honking all at the same time and alternating their calls so that it would seem like everyone is talking.
While we do not detect any differences in the frequency and tones of the geese honks these animals know exactly what another bird is trying to say. The honking is their most effective tool to convey various messages and to accurately communicate with one another. This way they function more effectively as a part of a flock and as a team.
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