Why do Flowers have Petals?

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Why do Flowers have Petals?

Spring time is usually signaled by the blooming of flowers in the fields. It is a colorful time because of the abundance of flowers in different sizes, shapes and colors. It is the flower that attracts us to plants because of the vibrant colors that it has as well as its sweet smell.

Flowers are regarded as modified stems that help in the propagation of the plant. It is also here that the nectar is stored. It is made of several parts which all have functions and the most important of which is being the reproductive system of the plant. The most noticeable among these parts is probably the corolla or more commonly known as petals. Together with the calyx, it forms the outer whorls of the flower.

Petals are usually thin, soft and colored. Its number can indicate the classification of the plant. Typically, the flowers of dicot plants have four to five petals while monocots have three or multiples of three. The petals are there to help protect the reproductive parts of the flower.

To help the plant propagate, its flowers need to be pollinated. For it to be pollinated it needs to attract pollinators such as bees, birds and other insects. Humans too can become pollinators. In order to do this, it should draw attention to itself. This is the purpose of the brightly colored petals of the flower.

The bright colors of the petals attract bees and insects to come to it making it easy to locate. Since it’s the flowers that hold the reproductive system, when the bees come to harvest the nectar, they also pollinate it. When successfully pollinated, the flower dries up in preparation for the bearing of the fruit.

The petals are there to attract pollinators. Pollination is one way for the plant to continue to survive. The colors and scent of the petals certainly play an important role.

Author: maureen

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