A fart is a combination of many gases such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide and methane that comes from our stomachs and intestines and leaves our anus. All of us can produce a fart, or scientifically, flatulence, that is equal to around a pint of gas each day.
Farts often come out quiet and odorless that we do not notice them at all. However, there are many times that they come loud and stinky, too, which becomes a reason for embarrassment in many situations. So, why do we actually produce fart and why do they stink?
The gas that comes out of our bodies through the fart actually does not only come from the gases in our stomachs and intestines. They also come from the gas from the blood that comes out from the intestines, from the chemical reactions inside our bodies, from the bacteria inside our guts and even from the air that we breathe.
These air sources may be the reason for a stinky fart. The odor in a person’s fart can be contributed to the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas that, obviously, from its name, contains sulfur. Thus, the more sulfur-rich your food is ‘š examples of which are eggs and meat ‘š the more stinky your fart can become. Beans can also produce more farts although it is not always a stinky one.
If you do not like to be farting around so much, you can try swallowing lesser air than normal. Avoiding carbonated drinks could also help you reduce farting. Some foods that contain certain types of sugars like raffinose and verbascose ‘š these are called flatulence factors ‘š could also cause you to fart more than usual. However, on average, a person farts around 16 times each day so producing gas once in a while throughout the day is something very normal.
March 19, 2014 9:38 pm
Farts occur cause you have magical creatures in your butt that are trying to escape
July 13, 2014 5:34 pm
True, I also have little creatures.
January 14, 2015 10:56 pm
Is it true that dairy causes gas
Because it definatly makes me toot.
September 17, 2016 11:43 pm
How do you “swallow lesser air”😂😂
November 4, 2016 11:47 pm
Don’t eat as fast and avoid carbonated drinks, that’s how 😛 and the most important, DON’T SMOKE!
November 24, 2016 8:22 pm
They stink so that deaf people can enjoy them too. 🙂