Why Do Cysts Smell?
This question is best answered only when one have adequate knowledge about cysts. In this article, we are going to talk about cysts in the medical point of view. Now let us first define what a cyst is.
Cysts are bag-like structures that may form in almost anywhere in our body. It is an unusual sac of fluid, like a blister – that may envelope liquid, gaseous, or solid matters. It may contain only water, but if infected, like a sebaceous cyst, it could be filled with pus. From traumatized skin to hair follicles ‘š that’s the cause of sebaceous cyst.
Pus is the result of fluid remains of liquefactive necrosis of tissues. It is usually pale yellow to yellow green and sometimes whitish. Bacterial infections are the most often cause of pus-filled cysts like acne. Because pus is formed through the accumulation of dead tissues, it causes the discharge to smell unpleasant.
Some people decide to pop these superficial cysts to drain the pus, but more often than not, they find themselves doing the wrong thing. Pricking it causes a break in the skin, which is the first-line barrier of the body against microorganisms, leading into further epidermal complications. Other cysts, like the ones that form inside the body, i.e. liver, ovaries, joints are removed or drained aseptically and surgically which are usually minor and outpatient procedures.
Doctors and other professionals repeatedly remind patients to refrain from manipulating the annoying zits and cyst on their skin. According to them, the pus will naturally be reabsorbed by the body during its natural process and the cyst will dry out eventually, but in cases wherein the daily activities of the patient is altered, for example, a cyst on the back or behind the knee, they will always have the option to have it operated on.
A doctor-prescribed anti-inflammatory and antibiotic topical ointment will be prescribed afterwards to prevent another infection. Some people have the tendency to be more prone to growing these bumps. Others may grow two or more at the same time. The key here is always to keep your body well scrubbed and cleaned.
August 29, 2012 8:25 pm
cysts or boils can be easily dealt with in a natural way. I had one under my boob and my dermatologist tried everything medicine had to offer and nothing worked. Thanks to her youth and interest in learning, she asked if I wanted to try an old wives tale she had heard and that it wouldn’t hurt me no matter what. She told me to soak a wash cloth in hot salt water and use as a compress for 20 minutes twice per day. I did have to keep warming the salt water in the microwave. Right away the pain settled down some and the redness let up a little. after a few days the cyst was almost gone and in about a week it was completly gone. Somehow the salt had dried up the infection without ever needing to drain it so there is no scar. She did advise that it was a staff infection so I should use a q-tip to rub a little neosporin in my nose because the nose is a place that staff likes to hide. Many times the lesion like I had was most likely from having staff in my nose and having rubbed my nose at some time before getting dressed and that I trapped the bacteria in my bra when I put it on. Since then I have recommended it often and it even works great for other purposes. When I have seen boys or men with acne type bumps on their backs and chests, I suggested when they were working outside in summer to keep a bucket of hot/warm salt water handy and through the day, soak his t-shirt and put it back on. So far the salt water has worked for everyone.