Why do Authors use Symbolism?

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Why do Authors use Symbolism?

Saying something directly is different from describing what you mean. For example if you say ‘Life isn’t fair,, some might go on thinking about it but only for a while. This thought might not really sink in unless you tell it like this ‘I know of an orphan African girl who was sold as a slave to a rich Englishman who later on fell in love with her and married her. They live happily at first and had 2 children. But after some time the Englishman had an affair with another woman, she treated his first wife badly divorcing her and leaving her without anything. He even took their children. Now she’s back to what she was back then, poor, homeless and alone. A true desolate woman., Then I guess you’ll agree that in her case, life was really unfair for her.

This phrase is an example of what authors use especially when they want to relay a deeper meaning to what they are actually writing. In literature, this technique is called ‘Symbolism’. Many short story authors use symbolism to further foretell and capture the important elements of the story. It is also good for the readers because symbolism gives them the idea about what the theme is all about without the author directly telling it in the story.

Symbolism can either be an object, a character, an action or a situation that denotes a deeper meaning. The author may use different objects, compare characters or situations or can repeatedly use the same situation or object to convey crucial plots, predominant mood or feelings. Symbolism can either be subtle or blatant. It can also be used slightly or considerably.

In conclusion, authors use symbolism when they want to give more meaning and feeling to their story without directly pointing it out. This is often used by short story writers as it gives them enough space to convey what they have to say using fewer words.

Author: joanna

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