Arteries and veins are important parts of the body’s circulatory system. These parts allow blood and other nutrients and substances to be transported from one part of the body to another. Generally, arteries carry blood that comes from the heart and towards other organs and the extremities. The veins meanwhile transport blood from various parts of the body and towards the heart. Aside from the difference in blood flow or direction, the veins and arteries also differ in terms of the presence of valves. The veins have it while the arteries don’t. As for the veins, the valves are needed to prevent the backflow of blood or to prevent the blood from going the wrong direction. For the arteries, the main reason that valves are not present in them is very simple and that is they don’t actually need them. The pressure of blood rushing from the heart is enough for the blood to flow through the arteries towards various parts of the body. This pressure is also high enough to prevent the blood from back-flow or going the opposite direction. With enough pressure from the heart, arteries are well enough to transport blood without any help from valves.
The pressure given by the heart in pumping out blood through the arteries is also said to be very high that it needs the arteries to have thick walls rather than having back-flow prevention accessories like the valves present in veins. In order to sustain the blood pressure, arteries have indeed thicker walls than veins. The blood that comes from the heart is also intended for transport to the other organs in the body and the extremities. With so much distance to cover, pressure must be high enough for the arteries to be successful in their task. If valves were installed in them, they would just impede the smooth flow of blood from the heart to other parts in the body. The pressure in venous blood flow meanwhile is much slower and this is why they need valves to prevent blood from going the opposite direction.
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