Why Do Antibiotics Cause Yeast Infections?

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Why Do Antibiotics Cause Yeast Infections

Antibiotics are substances that kill or neutralize the growth of microorganisms in the body called bacteria. The term was taken from the Greek word ‘anti, which means against and ‘bios, which means life. It’s a bit ironic that these substances meant to destroy living organisms can be the leading cause of yeast infection.

Scientists have found out that the human body contains a huge and diverse number of living things which include bacteria. It may sound horrifying but it’s the way of nature. Now these bacteria are classified as good for us. They take care of things inside the body that we are not aware of. We can only feel their existence when we get sick which means they’ve been overrun by ‘the enemy, like the bacteria that causes yeast infection.

When events like this happen, we get ill and we go to our doctors for some help. They prescribe us medicines and usually antibiotics are one of them. We go home, take these pills and we rest. Antibiotics will go to work destroying all bacteria that comes their path. Our body breathes a sigh of relief as we slowly begin the healing process.

Unfortunately, antibiotics are all muscle and no brains to speak of. They destroy every living thing that gets in their way and that includes the good bacteria that belongs to our body’s army of defenders. With their number depleted by antibiotics, opportunistic bacteria like Candida which causes yeast infection, take the chance to multiply and mount an attack of their own.

This phenomenon has led experts to re-evaluate the role of antibiotics in medicine and physicians are now more cautious in dealing with diseases that require treatment with these substances. The best thing to do is to care of one’s health properly and make sure the body stays safe and well all the time.

Author: maureen

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