Why Do All My Teeth Hurt?

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Why Do All My Teeth Hurt?

Teeth sensitivity or when your teeth hurt means that you have dentin hypersensitivity. This is due to cold factors affecting your teeth: eating of cold food, drinking of cold liquid beverages and cold air conditioner or cold air. If this condition gets to be prolonged or if the pain is truly excruciating, then, this is a symptom of unhealthy teeth and the nerve that goes with it.

The condition starts when the gums recede or ebb. The gums protect the roots of the teeth like a blanket covering a child from the cold. The roots must never be exposed. But there comes a time when gums recede which leaves the roots of the tooth bare. This is when the tooth becomes sensitive.

There are two major reasons on why gums recede. First is the way people brush their teeth. Second is poor dental hygiene. The former is so true because 50% of Americans are not aware on how to brush properly. They tend to over brush or their grip is too hard that it damages the gums slowly resulting to removal of gum tissue over time and exposes the roots. The latter is very obvious as not taking care of your teeth will really result to eventual damage. If dental hygiene is not maintained, plaque builds up around the teeth and gums. This plaque, if not treated immediately will become hard or what they call tartar. There are bacteria in tartar that destroys the gums  periodontal disease and gingivitis to name a few  and that results to the ebbing.

These roots have tubules or the tubes that are connected to the nerves of the tooth. Tooth ache or pain is being activated when there is pressure or cold stimuli. This happens because the roots are open and bare. If it was not, then, there would be no pain since the root is being enveloped by the gums.

In order to decrease sensitivity or make it go away permanently, dentists recommend the use of battery-operated toothbrushes and toothpastes that are designed for sensitive teeth only. Treating teeth with fluoride-rich mouthwash also can help lessen tooth sensitivity. You can also avoid highly acidic foods (soft drinks and tea as well) which can increase sensitivity and work against the sensitivity toothpaste.

If you are not relieved by gently brushing and using the sensitivity toothpastes, your dentist will have to resort to these measures. Your dentist can rub “oxalate” compounds on the root of your teeth. This will reduce if not eliminate the sensitivity. Many dentists also prescribe application of “bonding agents” to close the exposed tubules of the tooth root.

Author: maureen

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