The 5 Most Horrifying Bugs in the World

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A quick search on the internet will show that there are some most horrifying insects that we share this planet with. A good share of articles, videos and pictures has been presented and are easily available with a good “google” search. So to limit this search to only 5 may not provide an extensive benefit, but it is a start. So the bugs we chose were those that could cause some serious health problems to humans.


Botflies are end up as larvae inside humans that are life threatening to the host human. The bot fly attaches its larvae to mosquitoes and to ticks. Once on the human, the carrier will bite into the human looking for the blood dinner. The bot fly larvae are then transferred under the skin of the human. The larvae continue to grow and feed on the underlying tissue. Serious infection will ensue if not treated promptly and properly.


800px-Apis_mellifera_scutellataAfricanized Honey Bee

Also known as “killer bees” these types of bees came into existence in the 1950’s by Brazilian scientists. They wanted to create a better bee suited to South America. In 1957 some escaped and started breeding with other bees. It is difficult to tell the difference between the European Honeybee and the Africanized Honeybees. The difference is behavior.

They will attack in far greater numbers and far greater distances, up to a quarter mile from the hive. They will do this for the smallest of disturbances which can cause them to be disconcerted for more up to 24 hours. Although the individual Africanized Bee is no more dangerous than an individual European Bee, it is the mass of numbers that end up severely injuring or killing humans.
Africanized Honey Bee

They will attack in far greater numbers and far greater distances, up to a quarter mile from the hive. They will do this for the smallest of disturbances which can cause them to be disconcerted for more up to 24 hours. Although the individual Africanized Bee is no more dangerous than an individual European Bee, it is the mass of numbers that end up severely injuring or killing humans.


Brown_recluse_spider,_Loxosceles_reclusaThe Brown Recluse Spider

These poisonous spiders are found in North America, mostly the southern states and some central states. The prefer domains that are dark areas and live in wood, leaves or under rocks.

Typically, they will not bite humans but have been known to. The person that is bitten may not know they were initially bitten. Once bitten, the result will be destroyed tissue that may never be healed or may take many months to heal. Basically it leaves the affected flesh almost unrepairable.

In one personally known instance, a brown recluse spider bite caused the top side of the index finger to have the flesh destroyed. The result was a partial loss of the end and second finger bone and cutting out of the damaged flesh. The remaining under flesh was then flipped over to create a shortened skin graph resulting in a shortened index finger.

800px-Vespa_mandarinia_japonica_s3Giant Japanese or Asian Hornet

Typically found in Japan, as the name implies, these are some of the largest hornets in the world. They tend to take over honeybee hives by sending out a worker bee in search of this prey. Once it is located, the path to the honeybee hive is marked with pheromones by the reconnaissance bee. This is used to call up the other hornets to either find the target honeybee hive or even be used to attract other hornets when a single hornet is threatened.

Large numbers of these hornets will then attack the “offending human” that disturbed them. The result is venom that can cause internal organs to shut down.

Wandering_spiderBrazilian Wandering Spider

First discovered in Brazil this spider has the distinction of being the world’s most venomous spider. This is according to the 2007 Guinness Book of World Records. These spiders are not the same as tarantulas and are not even in the same family. They wander the floor of the jungle, and are known to hide during the day. This means that they can hide in homes, shoes, bananas, clothing and so forth. Although they can be found in a shipment of bananas, they do not eat bananas.

They have leg spans of 4-5 inches and are very fast moving. They are equipped with eight eyes, with two of them being relatively large. When threatened they have a very distinct red jaw.

The venom from these spiders has a very concentration of serotonin, creating a very high agonizing and unbearable pain. Without medical treatment, a human bitten from one of these spiders can experience a life threatening situation. It is best to stay clear of these spiders at all times.

Well there is our introduction to at least 5 of the most horrifying bugs in the entire world. This is just a sampling of some of the insects and bugs that can create a serious problem for humans. Gaining knowledge about some of them is not only interesting, it can also be lifesaving.


Author: betty norris

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