School shootings are the compulsory events which associate the children who are ideal with the society which is nihilist. Â The school shooter is not considered a psychopath who is bad but is looked upon as&hellip
Tagged By school
Why Is Going To School Important?
Why Is Going To School Important? Education is a treasure that’s why going to school is very important especially for children and the youth who are the next leaders of the world. Going to school&hellip
Why is Bullying a problem?
Why is Bullying a problem? Bullying still continued in schools inspite of several steps taken by the school authorities. Security cameras and metal detectors were used to reduce the use of weapons and any other&hellip
Why should Kids stay in school?
Why should Kids stay in school? Education is a priceless gift we can give to our kids. If you are educated, no matter who you are, whatever your race is, you are considered superior among&hellip
Why is school important?
Why is school important? School is important because it serves as the foundation of our education. Whether it is for elementary education, secondary or tertiary, school plays a vital role in the progress of every&hellip
Why are Hats not allowed in School?
Why are hats not allowed in school? I can remember being in middle school and high school and always wanting to be able to wear a hat while I was walking through the hallways or&hellip
Why Should Cell Phones Be Allowed In School?
What is wrong with the no-use cellphone policy in school? The profound impact of the computer and the web on our society showed that youth and devices have become virtually inseparable. Young people cannot imagine&hellip