Why is Oedipus the King considered psychogically complex? Oedipus the king, also known as Oedipus Rexâ€, is an Athenian tragedy created by Sophocles and was first performed in c. 429 BC. It was the second&hellip
Tagged By Oedipus
Why is Oedipus the current king of Thebes?
Why is Oedipus  the current king of Thebes? Oedipus was a Greek mythical character who was known to fulfill a prophecy of killing his father and marrying is mother.  The story started when Laius and&hellip
Why was Oedipus a Hero?
Was Oedipus a hero? Why do you think Oedipus, the Thebes King was called a hero? Although Oedipus was on the one hand a hero considering the great deeds he did, he also encountered his&hellip
Why is Oedipus a tragic hero?
Why is Oedipus a tragic hero? The popular work ‘Oedipus, the king, was created by Sophocles. Oedipus was described in this play as a Greek tragic hero by Aristotle. King Oedipus was portrayed in the&hellip
Why Does Oedipus blind Himself?
Why Does Oedipus blind Himself? Many people believe that Oedipus blinded himself solely because he felt he had to hurt himself for unknowingly being with his mother and having kids with her. It is one&hellip