When comparing one religion to another, sometimes we tend to group them into similarities because we have not taken the time to study each one individually. What may outwardly look similar due to dress or&hellip
Tagged By muslims
Why is sawm important to muslims ?
Why is sawm important to muslims ? Sawm is the Arabic name of fasting and it refers to the Islam religion based culture. Sawm is very important for muslims. Question may arise that why sawm&hellip
Why do Pakistanis marry their cousins?
Why do Pakistanis marry their cousins? Incest is almost a common practice in many of the societies in various countries. Muslims argue that marrying first cousins is just not the practice in their society but&hellip
Why does Islam oppress women?
Why does Islam oppress women? We live in a world with different cultures, religions, and beliefs. Some of those may not conform to our standard but then, we need to respect everyone’s point of view.&hellip
Why do Muslims take off their shoes?
Why do Muslims take off their shoes? It is a custom for everyone all over the world to remove shoes before we enter into our house. Mostly people follow this custom and few might have&hellip
Why do Arab Women wear Veils?
Why do Arab Women wear Veils? In Quran, the religious book of Muslims it is said as the word of God that Muslim men and women should dress modestly. The interpretation to this saying in&hellip
Why Do Muslims Use Prayer Mats?
Why Do Muslims Use Prayer Mats? Muslims are known to be one of the most disciplined and united religion across the globe. Disciplined in a way that they give due important to the laws and&hellip
Why are Muslims not allowed to eat Pork?
Why are Muslims not allowed to eat Pork? There is a wrong notion that Muslims are restricted from eating pork because they consider the swine as sacred in Islam and hence do not want to&hellip