Tagged By Life

Why is life so short?

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Many people say that life is so short. Some of these people may have a literal meaning to this while others may interpret it in other ways.  In its literal sense, people presently live longer&hellip

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Why is Cheating Bad?

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Why is Cheating Bad? Relationship is something that is most valuable in our life. It can be a friendly relationship or marriage relationship or parent-child relationship or teacher-student relationship. The exact meaning of any relationship&hellip

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Why is Safety important?

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Why is Safety important? Life is valuable. Which is why as humans, we do everything to protect it and keep our lives safe against any untoward incidents or accidents that may lead to injury or&hellip

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Why do Cells divide?

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Why do Cells divide? Living things are composed of cells. Human beings, plants and animals could not survive if they don’t have cells. Cells are the basic unit of life. Cells divide for many reasons.&hellip

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Why Is Life So Hard?

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Why Is Life So Hard? Life is one of the world’s greatest mysteries. Many have tried deciphering what it means to be alive and how to live life but the answers still lead to more&hellip

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Why Do Graves Face East?


Why Do Graves Face East? There are various beliefs regarding the reason why graves face east. They can be traced back to as far as the first religions and cultures ‘š sun based, where the&hellip

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Why Is Life So Boring?


Why Is Life So Boring? As the famous line goes ‘Life is what you make it’., Indeed true. Life takes different facets; your life will never be the same as your siblings or your peers.&hellip

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