Antisemitism, Scapegoat, Holocaust – Adolf Hitler; this scary combination are the remnants to the frightening age of the World War II. It is an infamously known fact that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party hated&hellip
Tagged By jews
Why Do Jews Wear Skull Caps?
Why Do Jews Wear Skull Caps? Jewish people are an ethno religious group merged by a common religious belief. The Jewish people that originate from the Israelites or the Hebrews in the Ancient Near East&hellip
Why Do Jews wear Yamakaas?
Why Do Jews wear Yamakaas? The Jewish culture has always been a fascinating and deeply religious one in every aspect of the word. There have been Holy Wars waged against and by the Jewish people&hellip
Why do Jews not eat Pork?
Why do Jews not eat pork? According to the Jewish law, pork is banned from consumption. Pork according to them is classified as ‘non-kosher food,. Kosher meat is the one prepared from ruminant animals which&hellip
Why is Jerusalem important to Jews?
Why is Jerusalem important to Jews? Aside from being a place in their native country, there are many reasons why Jerusalem is very important to the Jews. If you read the Christian Bible, you will&hellip