Tagged By jews

Why Hitler Hated Jews?

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Antisemitism, Scapegoat, Holocaust – Adolf Hitler; this scary combination are the remnants to the frightening age of the World War II. It is an infamously known fact that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party hated&hellip

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Why Do Jews Wear Skull Caps?

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Why Do Jews Wear Skull Caps? Jewish people are an ethno religious group merged by a common religious belief. The Jewish people that originate from the Israelites or the Hebrews in the Ancient Near East&hellip

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Why Do Jews wear Yamakaas?

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Why Do Jews wear Yamakaas? The Jewish culture has always been a fascinating and deeply religious one in every aspect of the word. There have been Holy Wars waged against and by the Jewish people&hellip

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Why do Jews not eat Pork?


Why do Jews not eat pork? According to the Jewish law, pork is banned from consumption. Pork according to them is classified as ‘non-kosher food,. Kosher meat is the one prepared from ruminant animals which&hellip

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