Tagged By glaciers

Why Do Ice Dams Form?

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Ice dams form for different reasons depending on the location of their formation. Glaciers flowing down valleys can block the flow of unfrozen rivers, creating ice dam lakes. Rivers in a cold climate can sometimes&hellip

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Why Do Glaciers Move?

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Why Do Glaciers Move? Glaciers are a vast and thick mass of ice and made up of fallen snow that has accumulated over the years which eventually transforms into ice and it may extend up&hellip

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Why are Glaciers blue?


Why are glaciers blue? Small ice pieces, as well as snow, looks white, because the sunlight shining onto them gets completely reflected back, and no absorption of light by the ice particles take place. Hence,&hellip

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Why are Glaciers melting?

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Why are glaciers melting? The world has gone through a lot of major changes over the past decades. Gone are the simple days; mountains have been converted to industrial areas, and forests to roads or&hellip

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