Tagged By fruits

Why do fruits conduct electricity?

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Fruits are great conductors of electricity because of the simple reason that they contain water and various chemicals that literally allow electric energy to pass through them.  The water content alone is usually enough to&hellip

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Why is pineapple good for you?


Pineapple is one of many fruits that is very rich in vitamin C.  Because of this content alone, health experts and dietitians worldwide consider pineapples as good for the body.  Vitamin C is considered a&hellip

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Why do cucumbers turn yellow?

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The cucumbers in the garden are observed to be turning yellow and orange which is very common. There are many reasons for the cucumbers to become yellow. Some of the cucumber types, like lemon cucumbers,&hellip

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Why Do Fruits Produce Electricity?

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Why do fruits produce electricity? For generating electricity, there must be a power source present and a total circuit. In order to generate electricity from citrus fruit circuit, it is necessary to have materials like&hellip

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Why do men eat pineapple?

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Why do men eat pineapple? Pineapple is an edible fruit more commonly found in tropical areas. As it can be eaten in a variety of ways, it can also incorporated in salads, main courses and&hellip

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Why do Grapes kill dogs?

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Why do Grapes kill dogs? It is believed that grapes are harmful to dogs. But, there is no exact reason discussed by anyone confidently about the danger of grapes for dogs. It is evidently said&hellip

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