When planning for success, everything should start with a vision. Without a vision, every effort made may be meaningless and may be done without a guide and purpose. This is why vision is very important&hellip
Tagged By family
Why do fathers abandon their children?
Why do fathers abandon their children? A father is described as a man who has a child or children. No man can ever become a father without a son or a daughter. As an important&hellip
Why is Family important to society?
Why is Family important to society? A family is the basic unit of society in a certain community. It is defined as a group of people living together due to consanguinity, affinity or co-residence. Although&hellip
Why is Family time important
Why is family time important Time is such an important element of our life in order to survive. Time is gold as what the famous line says and in a family, it’s even more precious&hellip
Why Do People Have Kids?
To have or not to have kids is an option When two people marry, the result is an error in arithmetic as 1 + 1 = 3 or even more. Some couples are asking if&hellip