When one looks a large German shepherd dog next to a small munchkin cat carefully, you will not see any similarities between the two animals. However, both cats and dogs have several similarities that many&hellip
Tagged By cats
Why do lynxes have ear tufts?
Lynxes are wild cats that are medium in size and are characterized by black tufts on their long ears and tails. Â They basically eat rodents in the wild and do their hunting activities mostly at&hellip
Why Do Cats Like Boxes?
Why do cats like boxes? Cats generally like to hide in small pits and boxes. The boxes will give a place for the cats to hide themselves. Cats that enter into the boxes tend to&hellip
Why do Maine Coons chirp?
Why do Maine Coons chirp? The Maine Coons are one breed of domestic cat with a distinctive physical appearance. Considered as the oldest breed of cat in the Northern region of America, Maine Coons are&hellip
Why do Cats like catnip?
Why do Cats like catnip? Catnip is an herb native to Europe and Asia. It is a member of Mint Family with its official name Nepeta Cataria. Its active ingredient is Nepetalactone which attracts cats.&hellip
Why do Cats eat grass?
Why do Cats eat grass? Cats can be a vegetarian is we allow them to be. Oftentimes, we observe our cats eating grass rather than feasting with fish or cat food. This is normal for&hellip
Why Do Kittens Bite?
Why Do Kittens Bite? Kittens have tiny sharp little teeth; while they are still underdeveloped, this is one of their only forms of protection. They will also bite when they play, just like puppies, dogs&hellip
Why do Cats have Whiskers?
Why do cats have whiskers? Has it ever bothered you why certain animals, like cats for example, have whiskers and we do not? Besides from the fact that they are part of their biological makeup,&hellip