Autoimmune diseases are often associated with malignancies, and on the contrary, some malignant conditions are also linked to an increased risk of developing autoimmune disorders. Autoimmune diseases represent a group of more than 80 different&hellip
Tagged By cancer
Why do Europeans smoke?
The Europeans are found to smoke more than the Americans smoke. This is confirmed by looking at the statistics taken on the smokers in the United States by the U.S. National Survey of Drug Use&hellip
Why do Cancer Patients Lose Weight?
Why do Cancer Patients Lose Weight? The patient who is suffering from the end stage of cancer and AIDS was seen to lose weight rapidly. The reason for the sudden loss in weight was attributed&hellip
Why is Soy bad for you?
Why is Soy bad for you? Soya bean has so many positive aspects that the negatives that are present in them will not be experienced. The isoflavones that are present in the soya beans will&hellip