Why do honey bee sting? The honey bees will sting and cannot take back its barbed stinger. This stinger will be left behind along with the small portion of digestive tract, nerves and muscles on&hellip
Tagged By bees
Why Do Bees Swarm?
Why do bees swarm? Swarming is the process by which the colonies of the honey bees can reproduce. By this method of swarming, a group of honey bees will get separated from the original colony&hellip
Why Do They Call It the Birds and the Bees?
Why Do They Call It the Birds and the Bees? Sexual intercourse and reproduction are two of the most difficult things to explain to children. Parents often dread the day their kids ask them how&hellip
Why do Bees die when they Sting?
Why do Bees die when they Sting? Most people panic when they see a bee hovering near them. They are afraid that the bee may sting them. It is true that bee stings really hurt&hellip