Difference between Gifted Child and Bright Child

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Gifted child

Giftedness is referred to as “asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are much qualitatively different from the norm”. Gifted children have got aptitudes such as intellectual, socio-affective and sensory motor. These aptitude domains, whose development and level of expression are controlled by the individual genetics endowment. This can be observed in various tasks in which the child comes across on their process of schooling. This gifted ability largely applies when the ability level super cedes that of most of age peers.

Difference between Gifted Child and Bright Child

Research has revealed that most of these aptitudes are able to entertain only null correlations with each other. Freeman argues that these gifts are easy to measure as intellectual aspects of development. Gifted students explicit exceptional ability in certain areas without explicit teaching.

Characteristics of a gifted child

  • They are very creative and inventive. They are much interested in brainstorming, freewheeling and like to do their thing in their own ways.
  • They are very independent in work and study, preferably for freedom of movement and actions and self-reliant.
  • They exhibit high power of concentration that excludes all else.
  • They are very friendly and outgoing.
  • A gifted child ponders with depth and multiple perspectives.

Bright child

A bright child is one who has such a high measure of competency that he is able to learn more than the prescribed time under the prescribed conditions. The use of the term bright in the diagnosis of a child or in the definition of a group of children implies the possession of three mental attributes, alertness, intelligence and speed. He expresses more alertness in the vivacity of his responses and the liveliness of his initiative. He is quicker to move, observe, to think and to learn.

Difference between Gifted Child and Bright Child-1

A bright child is dominantly a child who is very much alive, and a fair measure of his liveliness is given by the relative speed of his thinking, doing, reacting and moving. An alert, quick and intelligent child uses his congenital and acquired abilities to achieve successful results without putting much effort.

Characteristics of a bright child

  • A bright child is receptive.
  • A bright child is a good memorizer.
  • A bright child needs 6 to 8 repetitions for mastery.
  • A bright child listens well to teacher, works hard and answers questions.
  • A bright child finds work neither too hard nor too easy.
  • A bright child learns with ease.

Differences between gifted and bright child

  1. A gifted child learns primarily through intuition. They link information from different sources and then draw conclusions about these links and later apply them in many situations as cognitively as they can. While a bright child their main mode of learning is through deduction. There learning is more of deductive in nature.
  2. A bright child actually moves rapidly but very predictably and is more reliable but they investigate less whereas gifted child moves very quickly and less predictable but are prone to be investigative in areas of interest and totally unreliable depending on the area.
  3. A bright child knows an answer when a question is asked while a gifted learner draws and asks questions.
  4. A bright child prefers his peers while a gifted child prefers adults.
  5. A bright child usually absorbs information but a gifted child manipulates information.

Bright child vs. gifted child

Bright Child VERSUS gifted Child


  • Gifted children usually view the world in a different point of view than others. They see what others do not see and what others can’t even imagine.
  • Their feelings actions and thoughts are more intensified than that of other children.
  • Some gifted characteristics are exhibited in ways that may be considered counterproductive. When a child shows these kinds of behaviours they can be perceived to be negative when in real sense they are indicators of giftedness.
  • When a child exhibits non-productive behaviours is much important to look at what are the root causes rather than just concentrating on behaviours.

Author: Victoria Jones

Victoria Jones has a degree in psychology from UK. She is an expert with over 4 years experience in writing and content strategy. She has written over 50 articles, some of which have been featured in local daily’s and magazines.

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