It is very fascinating to know the differences and similarities between Social Media disorder and Eating Disorders. The influence of social media on eating disorders has been a matter of extensive research in the last&hellip
Why Do Hives Itch?
What are hives? Hives is a common skin condition which results in itchy, blotchy reddish patches which can occur on any part of the body. They are intensely itchy at their onset. Medically this condition&hellip
Why Do Gums Bleed When Brushing?
Gums are the soft pinkish tissues that support teeth by covering the roots and the underlying jaw bone. Medically, gums are known as gingiva. Healthy gums are a strong indication of good oral health. Gums&hellip
Why Do Fever Blisters Occur?
What are fever blisters? Fever blisters or cold sores are small, painful fluid filled boils that occur mainly around the lips and other parts of the oral cavity like the roof of the mouth and&hellip
Why is it difficult to treat bipolar disease?
Bipolar disease is also known as manic depression or bipolar affective disorder. The condition is extremely difficult to treat on account of the waxing and waning of mood from euphoria to episodes of severe depression.&hellip
Why is anxiety psychological?
Anxiety is a psychological condition, an unpleasant mental state which is subjective i.e. felt only by the individual. It is a dread or an intense feeling of fear over unlikely or exaggerated issues or situations.&hellip
Why do alzheimer’s patients sleep?
Why do alzheimer’s patients sleep? Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative neurological disease which affects memory. It is especially seen in geriatric (old) age group. Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by loss of neurons and synapses in&hellip
Why is menstrual blood dark brown?
Menstrual cycle is the monthly cycle experienced by women as a result of the changes undergoing in the uterus and the vagina under the influence of female sex hormones. Menstrual cycles have lots of variations&hellip
Why does yeast infection hurt?
Yeast infections, also known as fungal infections, are infections due to any organism from the Candida species. Candida is a kind of fungus from the genus Yeast. Yeast infections are medically termed as Candidiasis or&hellip
Why do hemorrhoids itch?
Why do hemorrhoids itch? Hemorrhoids are nothing but swollen rectal veins. They can be external or internal. Bleeding, pain while defecation and a sensation of something coming out of the anus are the chief symptoms.&hellip
Why Is Teething Worse At Night?
Why Is Teething Worse At Night? Teething is the normal process of eruption and cutting of teeth, especially the milk teeth in babies. The first tooth may appear in a baby between the ages of&hellip
Why Do Sebaceous Cysts Form?
Sebaceous cysts form because of swollen and clogged hair follicles, blocked sebaceous glands and excessive testosterone production. Hereditary conditions such as basal cell nevus syndrome and Gardner’s Syndrome are also considered as causes behind sebaceous&hellip
Why do palms sweat?
We all get them before exams, and especially near results. We understand that sweaty palms signify nervousness, but very few people know the science behind it. Sweaty palms are a normal phenomenon, and can be&hellip
Why Do Depressed People Isolate Themselves?
Depressed people isolate themselves from the society because they see little value and/or pleasure in socializing and in the activities that other people would consider enjoyable. This is a very prominent, common and major sign&hellip
Why do Scratches Swell Up?
Swelling is the reaction of the body in which the tissues affected by a certain stimulus, such as injury or infection, enlarge in size abnormally. Swelling is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the&hellip
Why Do Shy Boys Stare At Girls?
When it comes to the relationship between girls and boys, there are several theories and hypotheses that come up. While some have been explained biologically, some remain as speculations. For example, several girls have reported&hellip
Why do wounds smell?
When people have wounds in various parts of the body, some may notice that they actually emit a foul smell. Depending on the wound depth, healing stage, or medicines used these wounds may actually have&hellip
Why is smell so important to taste?
People’s sense of smell is considered very important, if not the most important, when it comes to tasting food. Â In fact, research has shown that as much as 80 percent of what people perceive as&hellip
Why do fevers cause nightmares?
Nightmares are dreams that sometimes make people wake up during the night because of fear, panic, or anxiety. Â When negative feelings are involved in dreams, they are usually classified as nightmares. This type of dream&hellip
Why do chromosomes coil during mitosis?
Mitosis is the process of cell division among eukaryotic cell types. In this type of process, the cells divide with the same or identical sets of chromosomes and other cell components. One cell, for example,&hellip
Why is BPA bad?
BPA, or Bisphenol A, is a chemical compound found in various household products including hard plastics. Â Based on current research, this compound can also be found in various packaging and coatings for beverages and food&hellip
Why is HGB low?
“HGB,†or hemoglobin, is a type of protein that is part of the red blood cells in humans and other vertebrates.  Hemoglobin also carries iron with it and involves itself in the transport of oxygen&hellip
Why is nose hair thick?
Many people complain of having very thick nose hair. Â Some people even go to great lengths just have their nose hair removed or trimmed because many of them consider having thick nose hair as unsightly&hellip
Why is caffeine a diuretic?
Many experts usually consider caffeine as a diuretic. It is believed by some people that if they ingest caffeinated drinks, it makes the people to remove fluids from the body. So some people do not&hellip
Why do Europeans smoke?
The Europeans are found to smoke more than the Americans smoke. This is confirmed by looking at the statistics taken on the smokers in the United States by the U.S. National Survey of Drug Use&hellip
Why do fetuses kick?
The kicking of the fetus is felt by the mother at the time of 16th week to the 22nd week of pregnancy onwards. The slight movement of the fetus is felt even from seventh week&hellip
Why do feet sweat?
The feet smell due to the formation of sweat. One foot can produce around one pint of sweat per day. The sweat consists of water and salt. The sweat does not have any distinct smell&hellip
Why do toenails fall off?
Some people experience a condition called “onychoptosis” which literally means “the toenails are falling off.† This condition usually happens gradually with the inflammatory changes that happen on one’s toe/s. Fungus or fungal infections are said&hellip
Why do shots hurt afterwards?
Shots or injections are typically administered to the arm or other parts of the body, and many people complain about pain after receiving them. Â These shots are typically vaccines or medicines to combat certain medical&hellip
Why do fit people sweat more?
Not many people know that the fitter you become, the more sweat you produce. It is not just because those who exercise often spend more time in the gym and so they sweat more. Â On&hellip
Why do minors drink?
Drinking by minors and underage people is an ongoing problem in society. Â In many countries in the world, kids are exposed early to this vice, and not many of them get out of this dilemma&hellip
Why do calf muscles cramp?
The sudden intensive pain due to leg cramps in the night affects many people which takes away their sleep. People are awakened due to the pain in the legs which includes heavy contractions in the&hellip
Why do colds get worse at night?
The common cold seems to worsen at nighttime, and the symptoms are noticed more clearly during the night. This is probably because the daytime activities available vary less during the night to divert the attention&hellip
Why do keloids form?
Why do keloids form? A keloid is an abnormal proliferation of scar tissue that develops at the site of skin injury e.g. on the site of a surgical incision or trauma. It does not regress&hellip
Why do nuts hurt my stomach?
Why do nuts hurt my stomach? The stomach is the main organ that is responsible for all the substances being ingested by an individual. As one vital organ, the stomach is responsible for the sustenance&hellip
Why do nasal passages swell?
Why do nasal passages swell? Swelling in the nasal tract causes a large inconvenience to anyone. Medical conditions like sinusitis, rhinitis, cold and flu and respiratory infections can result in swelling of nasal tract. The&hellip
Why do Muscles get sore?
Why do Muscles get sore? Muscles are found in almost all parts of the body. Composed mainly of contractile filaments, muscles have the ability to contract and relax which allows the body to move and&hellip
Why do Lymph nodes get sore?
Why do Lymph nodes get sore? Lymph nodes are greatly part of the body’s immune system. Lymph nodes are most commonly found in the neck, groin, armpits and stomach. Encapsulated by rich fibrous material, the&hellip
Why do Ears pop?
Why do Ears pop? Ears are the primary organ for hearing. Without ears, it would be impossible for someone to audibly hear what another is saying. The ears are designed to function as the sound&hellip
Why do Underarms smell?
Why do Underarms smell? Poor Hygiene. Most of the time, our underarms are closed and no air can pass through. This makes the underarms hot which cause them to sweat especially under strict physical activities.&hellip
Why do Noses bleed?
Why do Noses bleed? The nose is the organ for the sense of smell. The nose is the entry point of air leading towards the respiratory system. Although inhaling can be an involuntary act, the&hellip
Why do Newborns spit up?
Why do Newborns spit up? Newborns are known to be dependent individuals. They can move and eat but their underdeveloped body systems disable them to function at their optimum maximal functioning. Besides their fragile bones,&hellip
Why do Nipples have bumps?
Why do Nipples have bumps? Nipple is the projection of skin from the breast. Nipples have numerous blood vessels and nerve endings innervating them compared to other parts of the body. Nipples are more sensitive&hellip
Why is One of my Eyes red?
Why is One of my Eyes red? Red eye in medicine, also known as bloodshot eyeâ€, often refer to the inflammation or swelling of the blood vessels in the sclera, or white part of the&hellip
Why do Underarms sweat?
Why do Underarms sweat? Hyperhidrosis is otherwise known as excessive sweating. This is a common disorder that causes excessive discomfort to the people. Sweating under the arms is called as Axillary Hyperhidrosis and this is&hellip
Why do Warts bleed?
Why do Warts bleed? Warts are minute painless growths on the skin which is caused by a virus known as human Papillomavirus (HPV). These viruses are not harmful. Warts appear in various different shapes and&hellip
Why is stool green?
Why is stool green? Normally, human beings have brown stool. This is because the food that we eat still undergoes a process of digestion and secretion. Once we eat, the food flows to the stomach&hellip
Why do Eyes get red?
Why do Eyes get red? Usually when our eyes turn red, we are branded as vampires because of the bloodshot eyes. But actually, red eyes have several causes. Our eyes turn red because of infection&hellip
Why do Newborns get hiccups?
Why do Newborns get hiccups? It is normal for newborn babies to get hiccups. This is not an indication that they are sick. Actually, hiccups are signs that the babies are healthy. Hiccups just last&hellip
Why is Urine Cloudy?
Why is urine cloudy? Our urine is a liquid by-product of our body. This is secreted and excreted by our Excretory System. Our urine is important because it is an indicator of our health. Usually,&hellip