Introduction Hinduism and Buddhism, both of the religion were originated in the Indian subcontinent. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions of the world which is a very complex religion. Buddhism came into existence after&hellip
Difference between culture and customs
The terms that describe social behaviors and norms among different human societies can at times, be confusing. Culture is a very broad definition with an entire scientific field of study associated with it-anthropology. Customs is&hellip
Arguments Against Bullfighting
Bullfighting and Barbarism A Blood Sport in Decline It seems odd that we still argue as to whether bullfighting is either ethical or does not constitute cruelty to the animal. Those who advocate bullfighting often&hellip
Similarities between Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy
Introduction The similarities between U.S. Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy are really very fascinating and strange. Both of the presidents were well known, popular and respected by their citizens for their social and&hellip
Difference between a creek, a river and a stream
Around the world, there are naturally occurring waterways with various physical properties. Because of the large diversity and the subtle differences, there are many different terms for different types of waterways. Three that are often&hellip
Difference between a bagel and bread
Across the world, bread and bread products often make up a significant part of one’s diet. Because of the wide variety of grains, as well as different geographical regions and ethnic groups that have their&hellip
Difference Between Civil Servant and Public Servant
Civil servant and public servant, both the designation sounds identical in general. People often get confuse between civil servant and public servant and treat both as same. But there are vital differences between them. Both&hellip
What Is the Importance of Moderates In the Political Process?
Every democratic country is (or should be) based on an inclusive and comprehensive political process. By definition, the democratic discourse includes all stakeholders: hardliners, moderates and “confused”. All actors play an important role in shaping&hellip
Argumentative Essay for Gay Marriage
The issue of same-sex marriage has been extensively debated in the recent years. While marriage has become an intrinsic part of our lives, not all couples seem to enjoy the same rights and the same&hellip
The Major Differences between India and Pakistan
Love to Hate The relationship between India and Pakistan has, since their respective independence in 1947 from British colonial rule, has been unpleasant at best. They are rivals on the sporting field, with cricket matches&hellip
Similarities between Liberalism and Conservatism
Political Philosophy becomes Ideology With the advent of the French Revolution and the American War of Independence a new political philosophy was maturing (Mastin 2008). That philosophy has been Liberalism. Historically the roots of Liberalism&hellip
On Civil Disobedience and Non-cooperation as forms of Protest
Introduction It is sometimes argued that protesting against government policies by means of civil disobedience or non-cooperation are tantamount to the same thing. Although both do form part of the greater ambit of protest against&hellip
Difference between ghosts and demons
When discussing the supernatural, many different terms are used to describe similar things. Belief in the supernatural is a cultural universal that dates back to the earliest human civilizations discovered. But fundamentally they describe two&hellip
Hate Crimes More Likely to Target Islamic Women
A new study revealshate crimes against Muslims are more likely to target women than men. Data pulled from a United Kingdom phone hotline for victims of Islamophobic crimes shows, excluding online threats, women are targeted&hellip
Best Arguments Against Civil Disobedience
The term civil disobedience refers to the practice of deliberately disrespecting and disobeying laws in order to advance a common cause or a moral principle, or to take drastic actions aimed at changing a particular&hellip
Is Socialism Better Than Capitalism?
Socialism and capitalism are the two main social and economic models of our times. During the past fifty years, supporters of the capitalist model and those of the socialist doctrine have debated on the primacy&hellip
Arguments against death penalty
Every day, in around 40 countries all over the world, individuals are “legally” executed by the state as form of punishment for a wide variety of crimes. In the last three decades, the number of&hellip
Yellow Clothes are a Date Killer
Clothes may not make the man, but the color of clothes can make (or break) a relationship. A study delving into clothing color and perception between males and females suggests wearing certain colors can derail&hellip
Others’ Misfortune Gives Us Physical Pleasure
There’s a phenomenon called “schadenfreude,” a German word meaning, “happiness at the misfortune of others.” It’s sung about in the Tony-winning musical, Avenue Q. New science indicates that brief thrill of laughter we feel when&hellip
Women More Likely to Steal Halloween Candy
It happens every year without fail: after the kids come in from Trick or Treating, parents teach a lesson in taxation by taking a chocolate or two. New survey data from the National Confectioners Association&hellip
Bullied Kids More Likely to End up Poor
Older generations grew up with the phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Although we now know that false, a new scientific study sheds light on just how&hellip
Is Islam Compatible with the U.S. Constitution?
Introduction This is a topic for discussion that can both enlighten interested parties or vilify a certain group of people if handled insensitively. I state from the outset that the intention of the article is&hellip
Reasons Shakespeare remains relevant 400 years after his death
The Bard for All By Christopher Bates Relevance Spanning Four Centuries Despite being regarded by many critics as the greatest playwright of all time, William Shakespeare is a bane to many a high school student.&hellip
The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana
Introduction The debate on the legalization of marijuana is one of those topics on which everyone has an opinion. What is clear from recent studies and research is that, for the first time in history,&hellip
Similarities Between Capitalism and Communism
Both capitalism and communism are an economical, social, and political system that is adopted by different countries. In these systems, decisions are particular and are made by the central power, which influences how the nation&hellip
Self-Sacrifice by Males During Mating Shown to be Beneficial
Cannibalism after Mating Beneficial to Species A recent study completed by researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Gonzaga University has shown that self-sacrifice post-copulation by the male, in which the female then consumes him,&hellip
Minority Instructors Favored Across Races
A recent study conducted by NYU Steinhardt and published in Educational Researcher has found that most middle and high school students have more favourable impressions of their black and Latino teachers than they do of&hellip
What is the Difference Between Sikhs and Muslims
When comparing one religion to another, sometimes we tend to group them into similarities because we have not taken the time to study each one individually. What may outwardly look similar due to dress or&hellip
Difference Between Espresso and Coffee
Coffee and espresso are very similar-so similar, in fact, that even experienced consumers sometimes don’t know the ways in which the two are different. Preparation Both coffee an espresso are created by brewing from ground&hellip
Difference Between Carbine and Rifle
A carbine and rifle are two types of firearms that can easily be mistaken for one another because their appearance is quite similar. In fact, the term carbine has historically been used to describe a&hellip
Difference Between Aluminum and Magnesium
Aluminum and magnesium are two elements that bear a strong resemblance to one another, mostly because one of the elements that forms aluminum is actually magnesium. Additionally, they are neighbors on the periodic table of&hellip
Come to Jesus…and Find Depression?
Religion is meant to uplift world-weary souls. In the past, this perception of religion as emotional protector extended beyond sacred texts and into consulting rooms. Select psychiatrists reported evidence that religious rigor helped insulate their&hellip
Conservative Christianity Causes Divorce
Though conservative Christians bemoan the crumbling institution of marriage, scientific study suggests religious conservatism may actually lead to increased divorce rates. Those areas in the United States with a large population of hard-line Christians also&hellip
Atheist? Hopefully not your doctor.
Have you recently discussed the existence of God with your doctor? Today’s researchers would strongly recommend you to – given you are terminally ill. After a survey was conducted and responded by roughly 4,000 doctors,&hellip
Study Shows Surprising Connection Between Your Liquor Cabinet and the Ballot Box
We always knew a person’s liquor of choice says a lot about their tastes. Now we know it has bearing on a person’s political tastes as well. A new and surprisingly exhaustive study published by&hellip
Five myths you probably believe about India
1.Traveling to India is unsafe. In recent years, there have been several very high profile instances in which rape occurred in India that has caused several Western countries to issue travel advisories or discourage&hellip
Outdated Myths Everyone Still Believes about Dreams
1. That if you die while asleep, you will die for real. There’s an old urban legend that if you die while asleep and dreaming, you can die in real life. However, according to the&hellip
Facts Everyone Needs to Know About Israel.
Where the real conflict lies. Israeli society is often misunderstood as a war of cultures; Arabs against Jews or Israelis against Palestinians. However, it is vital to know the finer details of a country’s unrest&hellip
Prominent Moments in The History of Islam
Introduction Islam is an old religion and culture that has thousands of years of history, every point being significant to someone it is hard to narrow down the most important points. But in all cultural&hellip
Facts Everyone Needs to Know about India
1. India is the world’s largest democracy. Based on the most recent United Nation’s estimates, the current population of India is over 1.3 billion, making it the second largest country by population and comprising approximately&hellip
Facts You didn’t know about London
1. It is actually made up of two cities. London is actually made up of two ancient cities that are now joined together. The first is the city of London, or Londinium, which was part&hellip
Facts Everyone Needs to Know About Africa
Facts you should already know Africa is an amazing continent. It is the second largest continent in the world. This is true both from the perspective of its land mass and its population. Africa covers&hellip
Facts you didn’t know about China
When it comes to understanding another country, most people, especially Americans cannot relate. Part the reason for this is the lack of historical education people receive about the world in general. Most people understanding of&hellip
Greatest Events or Incidents in the History of India
Considering that India has a history dating back more than 4000 years, it would be difficult to describe all of the significant events in this short treatise. India has had a varied history in culture,&hellip
The Brief History Of Halloween Plus 5 Things You Didn’t Know About The Holiday!
In the lives of most people, it seems like their detailed understanding of history only goes as far back to when they were born. The celebration of Halloween is no different in that most do&hellip
Greatest Events or Incidents in the History of Soccer
Soccer has become recognized as the international sport of choice for most advanced countries. How did this sport become so popular and what are some of the significant events or history that brought this sport&hellip
Prominent Moments of Australia’s History
The attempt to explore and explain all of the prominent moments in Australia’s history would fill volume after volume of historical research. This short treatise will give a very brief and limited overview of what&hellip
What Bernie Sander’s Means by “Democratic Socialism”
Bernie Sanders, the current senator for Vermont and in the running for the democratic presidential nominee, has long been an advocate of democratic socialism. He believes the United States’ major income inequality has everything to&hellip
6 Myths about Civil Rights We Learned in History Class
The Civil Rights history taught in grade schools is generally a simplified history that hasn’t been updated, in many places in the United States, for a very long time. Civil Rights and African-American slavery is&hellip
The Complicated Political History of the Confederate Flag
When the average American who was born and raised in the United States sees what they perceive as the Confederate Flag, certain thoughts and emotions well up or at least pass through their minds. Typically,&hellip