Bullfighting and Barbarism A Blood Sport in Decline It seems odd that we still argue as to whether bullfighting is either ethical or does not constitute cruelty to the animal. Those who advocate bullfighting often&hellip
Posts By Christopher Bates
Difference Between Critique And Review
The Expert and the Lay Person While the words critique and review are often used interchangeably to describe someone’s view or judgment on another’s works whether it is music, film, literature, or art. There is&hellip
The Major Differences between India and Pakistan
Love to Hate The relationship between India and Pakistan has, since their respective independence in 1947 from British colonial rule, has been unpleasant at best. They are rivals on the sporting field, with cricket matches&hellip
Is there a difference between Choice and Decision?
Just Semantics It seems that in our common verbiage choice and decision are used interchangeably. Other than the obvious spelling differences is there any deeper difference? At first an analysis it would appear not, as&hellip
Similarities between Liberalism and Conservatism
Political Philosophy becomes Ideology With the advent of the French Revolution and the American War of Independence a new political philosophy was maturing (Mastin 2008). That philosophy has been Liberalism. Historically the roots of Liberalism&hellip
On Civil Disobedience and Non-cooperation as forms of Protest
Introduction It is sometimes argued that protesting against government policies by means of civil disobedience or non-cooperation are tantamount to the same thing. Although both do form part of the greater ambit of protest against&hellip
Is Islam Compatible with the U.S. Constitution?
Introduction This is a topic for discussion that can both enlighten interested parties or vilify a certain group of people if handled insensitively. I state from the outset that the intention of the article is&hellip
Reasons Shakespeare remains relevant 400 years after his death
The Bard for All By Christopher Bates Relevance Spanning Four Centuries Despite being regarded by many critics as the greatest playwright of all time, William Shakespeare is a bane to many a high school student.&hellip
Difference between Emo and Punk
On Mohawks and Black Eyeliner By Christopher Bates Introductions and Disclaimers The varying genres of music and its classification are one of those subjects that should be added to politics and religion as subjects that&hellip