The American science fiction drama series called ‘Heroes, directed by Tim Kring was telecasted in NBC for four years from 2006 till 2010. The series appeared till 8th February, 2010. This series concentrates in showing the superhuman abilities of the characters here who realize these abilities and make use of them in their lives. This series is produced by Tailwind productions. It was primarily made in Los Angeles, California.
The first season of this series could run with 23 episodes and had the viewers up to 14.3 millions in the U.S. This drama has given highest rating among the works of NBC in the period of 5 years. The second season had the viewers up to an average of 13.1 millions in the U.S. The series ‘Heroes, achieved several awards like Primetime Emmy award, Golden Globes, People’s Choice awards, and British Academy Television awards.
The internet extension of this drama was named as ‘Heroes 360 Experience’ which was further renamed as ‘Heroes Evolutions’. This extension was made to explain in detail about the world of Heroes and the mythology involved in the series. The ‘Heroes’ drama was also made popular through other media instruments like magazines, action figures, mobile games, novel, merchandise and clothing. In 2008 fall, digital entertainment section of NBC opened an online content for the summer, wireless iTV interactivity, graphic novels and so on.
The show was cancelled by NBC on 14th of May 2010. This show was cancelled due to its large costs involved in production. The show ‘Heroes, also did not have enough viewers and the viewer’s number gradually decreased from the first season till the fourth. As NBC started to produce and create many other programs of different kind, this show was not given much prominence. Due to the above reasons, the show was cancelled at last. NBC later planned for a wrap-up movie of the series, but it was also not confirmed.
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