Why is Arsenic in Cigarettes?

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Why is arsenic in cigarettes?

Arsenic is used as semiconductors because it can strengthen alloys of copper. It is used in electronic devices and automotive batteries. Arsenic is poisonous to living things because of its component. Arsenic is even used as pesticide to kills insects and pest harming the vegetables and plants but knowing its negative effects, arsenic is already banned.
Arsenic can be found in the soil. It can be an organic or inorganic form. When arsenic combines with carbon and hydrogen, organic arsenic is produced but if arsenic combines with oxygen, sulfur, and chlorine, then inorganic and a more toxic arsenic is produced. Inorganic arsenic causes cancer and this is one component in cigarettes.
We are all exposed to arsenic with the food and water we take. However, the danger becomes more threatening when we smoke cigarettes or just inhale the smoke from cigarette users.

Arsenic is used in cigarettes as an additional chemical. Actually cigarettes do not only contain arsenic but other poisonous substances. There is arsenic in cigarettes because the tobacco is being sprayed by pesticides which contain a higher component of arsenic. Once this tobacco is process into cigarettes, the arsenic stays in the leaves therefore arsenic finds its way in the form of cigarette smoke.
Arsenic is very much rampant in tobacco farming so it can’t be avoided that this chemical will also be carried until the tobacco leaves turn into a commercial cigarette. Arsenic can be found in soil too so there might also be a portion of it that is attached to the tobacco plant.
Arsenic is poisonous so when somebody smokes, he will definitely inhale the poison. Side stream smoke can also be very dangerous because even if you don’t smoke but your neighbors do, you will still inhale the poisonous chemicals. To avoid endangering our life, let’s just quit smoking to get rid of poisonous chemicals such as arsenic.

Author: shiela

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